Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Am I geeky enough?

It’s nearly my bedtime which I know is very lame. I’m at the age where I shouldn’t long for my bed before I even get home, like Golden I’m not going to tell you my exact age but just know I saw Who Framed Roger Rabbit in the THEATER as a “birthday party” with a few of my friends you know back when the movies didn’t cost like an arm and a leg just to buy one ticket.

Unlike Golden I’m a geek but I don’t take it to the extreme. I like things I enjoy things, but the idea of DragonCon both excites me and scares the crap out of me. What if they realize I’m just an imposter. That I know about comics and enjoy super heroes and all thinks geeky but I haven’t seen every episode of Dr. Who but have seen everything Joss Whedon has done. I hated Lost but I did make it to season 3 or 4 before I said Fuck it I don’t give a damn what happens to you guys!

So what I’m saying is that I am a Geek (and may I add I LOVE that’s no longer a negative thing like when I was younger) but Golden is my leader. I plan to follow her around like a small puppy begging her to not leave me behind. See the thing is I wanna be a full on geek, I wanna wear the costume, I want to be the one in the middle of the conversation about something I’m way passionate about but I’m always nervous that I’ll say the wrong thing and everyone will look in my direction and I’ll get a dumbass stink that will never wash out of my hair. Truth is I’m more of a blend into the wall, don’t notice me and just let me observe everything going on around me.

I’m that person that doesn’t dance in public cause oh my god what if someone sees me and I’m not doing the running man right! Nope I’ll play it safe I’ll just stand here, nod my head, tap my foot and watch everyone else dance and have “fun.” I hope that for DragonCon I can break out of that a little bit. I don’t know these people (ok I know the 3 I’m traveling with) but for the most part the Con is an opportunity to be that person dancing, running around, and getting my Geek card the right way. My biggest fear is that I'll completely ruin the Con for Golden and then I'll be a really shitty friend. Stay tuned to the blog and let’s see if I succeed or if Golden leaves me in Atlanta with nothing but my Marvel Super Heroes T-shirt … guess that won’t really be a problem cause I’m driving, so that’s one less thing to stress about as I get ready for this road trip, but don't worry I'll come up with something else to stress about. After all It's what I do.

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