Monday, March 30, 2015

So it goes... ‏

I've been doing 40 acts for Lent this year. Basically I try every day to go out of my way to give back to others or the community, to do something special for acquaintances, friends, loved ones or even complete strangers. I've done alot of good so far. I post sometimes on twitter different things that I've done. I was posting more often about it, but at some point it started to feel like bragging and that's not what its about. So now I don't post as often, but that doesn't mean I'm not actively trying to make the world a better place one small kindness at a time.

Just because I do these things doesn't excuse everything else I've done though. And I must have done some seriously bad fucking things. Now to my knowledge I have not killed anyone or even invoked the power of voodoo against anybody. I've lived a pretty average life. I've tried not to hurt people but as we sometimes do, we hurt others unintentionally and oftentimes without even knowing. But at some point in my short life I must have done quite the injustice to incur the karma-wrath that hit me last week.

Last week was simply dreadful! Like if our lives were orchestrated by some great being, this past week of my life was in the hands of this guy from Fantasia.

It was a hell of a week. I was seriously bone tired by Tuesday but had to keep going until the week’s end. Constant stress at work, pressing matters at home, lack of sleep, shifting schedules, sick parents, and the millions of other little things that come along, left me physically exhausted and possibly mentally too but I was too tired to really care about that. So instead of Jimmy Buffet's line "Come Monday it'll be alright.", my mantra was "Come Friday, it'll be alright" however I discovered that Friday didn't really solve it.

The thing that sucks, well I guess one of the things that suck about being a medical marvel with a chronic illness is that week long activities, that most people take for granted, do more damage than what I’d care to admit as the changes in schedule and lack of sleep weaken an already temperamental immune system. The constant going triggered a pain flare up and all of the stress caused the oh so delightful reoccurring mouth sores to appear. Totes didn’t miss those I’ll be honest. So waiting for Friday didn’t really do much for me. However it did provide me with that magical thing called "The Weekend". A 48-hour period for me rehab and relax and let me tell you readers, I sucked every last second out of it. So whether you are able to spend your weekend active, inside, outside or just relaxing, I hope you find some pure enjoyment out of it. For me I spend it doing what I can so that I can be ready to start the process all over again come Monday.

So it goes, so it goes...stupid circle of life.

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