Today has been all about missed connections.
From not being able to connect to the interwebs to not being able to connect
with a stupid bus, it’s been one giant day of not being able to connect, even
within our own group. Let’s start at the beginning. The alarms went off around
6 ish …. Far earlier than any one human who is on vacation should be getting
up. One of our crew arrived last night and had to pick up her badge and we
wanted to be there right at 8 so we could get good spots for the parade at
10. Last year we watched it on TV at the
hotel mostly cause Saturday’s at Dragon Con are just …. Well ….. stupid. All
the locals turn up on Saturday for the parade and have day passes which creates
this gridlock of people throughout the area. With SEC football playing this
weekend, the Falcons playing this weekend (well yesterday) and many other
things happening in the Atlanta this holiday weekend Saturday becomes a cluster
of people and not all are nice. We were talking earlier today about how the
last 3 years everyone has been really nice and really inclusive and this year
there is this underlying layer of …. I don’t know how to describe it …. Like
you know one wrong move and it could all
just pop off with very little warning. We have since decided that this is due
to the number of people here for the first time with a feel of entitlement that
they have not earned yet. This is the biggest crowd ever for Dragon Con and
it’s been very clear that Dragon Con, and the host hotels in general, haven’t
been prepared for it. I mean some of these hotels have been beyond trashed and I've felt really bad about it.
Photos from today’s parade can be found on
Golden’s twitter account, some of my favorite pictures from today can be found
This is the BEST parade hype man in the world. He'd find random kids in similar costumes, and bring them together, below is his "Footlong hotdog" :D he really made the waiting on the parade to get to us time go by fast. He was having as much fun as we were. At one point he pulled a tiny Storm Trooper out into the street to help him hype up the crowd. The kid had so much fun it was awesome to watch. Volunteers for Dragon Con are just the best.

After the parade, we went through the vendor
hall which is several floors of all the things to buy, look at, and see. Stan
Lee was signing merchandise today at the Vendor Hall which made the people like
15 deep instead of the usual 10 deep. Dragon Con PSA #1 --- I get that we all
cosplay and love dressing up in awesome things we have created but can we all
agree that there is no place for that shit in the Vendor Hall. I mean if you
have on fairy wings that took you 6 months to create and go into the Vendor
hall and they get messed up that’s on you. Don’t bitch people out cause they brushed
up against your stuff in the 2-way-2foot hallways of the Vendor hall.
Anyway … using the technique taught to me
recently by the boss man has made my panic attacks this year very minimal. I’ve
nearly had a few but was able to beat them back down and focus on my breathing
and made the panic attack not seem so bad. I already texted him thanks for
that. While in the Vendor hall our crew of three often became a crew of two as
one of us would wander off while someone stopped to look around. At one point I
just left the vendor hall and texted my crew saying I was at the elevators,
take your time, as I sat in my awesome chair.
After the vendor hall is when the missed
connections came full circle. We waited on a Shuttle Bus for nearly an hour
before saying screw it and called Uber. Uber has been our savior this trip
which has been great but also sad. The last few years the Dragon Con Shuttle
was one of the best parts of the Con, those drivers were awesome. This year we can't even get the drivers to stop let alone have a conversation. It's been real disappointing. We know the Green Line exists cause we caught it on Friday but haven't seen it since. Like it's some Yetti in Sasquatch territory. Like we know it exists but no one believes us because we have no documentation of it. We stood
there with two ginger haired young ladies and got really angry when the Purple
Line bus, which we had decided we were getting on cause Green Line had said
screw it and gone to get a samache, drove by waving at us like we were just
saying hi, when in all actuality we were saying, “Hey jerkoff stop your bus so
we can get on it!” It's not like we were trying to flag them down in the middle of the street we were at the Dragon Con Shuttle Bucket but he didn't give a damn. We finally called Uber and I felt bad cause we had to leave
our Ginger friends behind. I accidently clicked the small car (as I always do
having a small crew) and we wouldn’t all fit. I really felt like an asshat. I can
see their hotel from my hotel so we could have made it work …. But yeah they
have their own cell phones and life and can make shit happen if they need too
right!? I do hope they made it home and are not still down there waiting on
that bus.
The temperature this year hasn’t been too bad
there’s even been a few instances of “I’m cold” uttered from someone’s mouth,
and it might have been me. Usually the weather is so hot here it’s suffocating.
I reserve the right to bitch about the weather later if I want to but for now
know it’s starting to feel like Fall.
Saturday ended with us having dinner at Hard
Rock and by dinner I mean we ate food sometime after 10pm, then walking to the
Marriot to watch all the pretty and hang out. We saw DJ MC Chris do his thing,
an impromptu dance party, lots of naked, and even a couple who I’m pretty sure
said screw it getting back to the room is too far let’s do what we have to do
in the middle of a room like no one could see them. Bless them I hope they had
protection. If one has a Baby at Dragon Con do they have to name it after the hotel?!
We rolled back into the hotel around 3 am as Day 2 flowed into Day 3.
Happy Con
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