Sunday, December 29, 2024

2024 YEAR END RECAP : Best Laid Plans

So when I originally wrote this post, on Christmas Eve I was talking about how my nephew and his wife couldn’t join us for Christmas so we’d be going to see them on the weekend after Christmas which was going to eat into my downtime after the holiday. HOWEVER best laid plans be damned cause that Little Girl decided she wanted to join us for the celebration. My nephew and his lovely bride had a beautiful Baby Girl on Christmas Day almost 5 weeks prior to her due date. She was born around 3:30 and was 5lbs 14 oz and 18” long. She’s gonna be dumb tall like her dad. Her name is Olia Noelle and I love it, tho many of my fellow family members are struggling with the name. I myself can say it just fine until someone asks :D I say it like Ollie without the E but ad a AH to it. Oli-ah 😊 time will tell if I’m saying it right or not. My nephew and his wife aren't shy they will let us know if we aren't. Someday it will roll right off our tongue without us even thinking about it and we will giggle at the struggle bus that was her name. With this event I was upgraded from Aunt to Great Aunt and I mean I’ve always been great! As of this writing she is still in the hospital but her mom has been discharged and we are hopeful Olia will be coming home very soon as well. It's going to be exciting getting to celebrate this little thing every year on Christmas. I can’t wait to meet her and tickle her little feet!

However, this is about 2024 …. So digress. I admit that this wasn’t our best year on this blog…but wasn’t our worst ever … looking at you 2023 when we only managed 8 post for the entire year. That’s called minimum effort for sure. Ironically that was the year I started my “blog with a purpose” posts … and thus a post about a charitable foundation followed by me ranting about say Auburn Football …. Sadly, a constant on this blog (ranting about AU sports I mean). I also had only 8 posts in 2018 but it at least had more variety than 2023. Hey not every year can be a winner!

In 2024 I managed to knock out 10 posts, well 11 once this one goes up, on a variety of topics including another Blog with a Purpose post this time focusing on Anthony Nolan. That one was fun cause I was also helping sell a book at the same time. Don’t know if any books were sold cause of me but I’m sure I didn’t hurt the cause, well I hope I didn’t anyway. This was also the year my father turned 80 and he and I spent most of the year working on his memoirs which I found fascinating. Giving us his book was his gift to all of us this year. He also included a card with all his videos, pictures, etc, taken through August (AKA his birthday). That was a nice and very welcoming surprise that I wasn’t expecting. He’s good people my dad. This was also an Olympic year which is always exciting for me and of course Dragon Con for the 10th time. I really believe we have been going far longer than that but 10 is a nice round number so that’s what we will go with.  

We have a new "most viewed" post which is "Baby Talk" a short story I wrote about a new mom and dad figuring out their new roles. I have no idea where it came from but it's been viewed 335 times so maybe others are enjoying it. I am proud that my Bryan White Tribute is in the top 5 of all time views. I was really proud of that one. Golden's "Drunksgiving" Post from 2014 rounds out the top views list and again I say she's way better at this than I am. 

This year the big absence was Golden. I keep telling her she is way better at this than I am … go back and read any posts tagged with GOLDEN and you’ll see what I mean. She uses words like a paintbrush in a way that I only wish I could do. 2024 is the year I was diagnosed with Covid shortly after coming home from Dragon Con. It really wasn’t that “bad” for me but I’ve had every shot the have been willing to give me. Right before I left I begged for one but the nice lady at CVS said that a new one was coming out soon and I should wait. I should have pushed it but I didn’t. Who knows maybe I would have gotten sick anyway. Maybe not. As it was I was confined to my room for 5 days then took two test both of which came back negative before coming back to the real world. I wasn’t really sick as much as I had a MASSIVE headache that just wouldn’t quit and was exhausted all the time, symptoms that lingered long after the negative tests results arrived. I still don’t think my energy level is back up to full but I guess I’m where I’m going to be. The best part of my COVID diagnosis is that neither Golden or my parents got it which was my biggest fear. 

As I am writing this news organizations are dusting off their Jimmy Carter memorial videos to bid farewell to a man that did as much good out of office as he did in office. Maybe it is because he is from nearby Plains, Georgia, or maybe it’s cause he was President when I was born (1977 – 1981) but he’s the first president I recall. From his humanitarian efforts especially with Habitat for Humanity is what I really remember. I also can’t get over the fact he was 100 … like can you imagine all he’s seen and lived through and all the changes he’s been through over his lifetime? I don’t know if I want to live to 100 … heck there are some days I’m not sure I want to make it to 45 but I guess that’s up to someone who isn’t me.


I hope you all had a good holiday surrounded by love and that 2025 is good for you and to 2025 I say please go easier on my friend Golden she really does not deserve the crap that the last few years have put her through. Use someone else as a punching back for a change PLEASE and thank you.

