Tuesday, March 4, 2025

I Don’t know what to say, so here

It is the beginning of February March, I haven’t posted since Christmas time. I would say I’ve been off having fun and tell you all about it, but honestly I haven’t been. January felt like it was never going to end but it did include a massive snow storm, which is something my area of the planet doesn’t get often so that was fun. It was pretty watching it come down but I admit I didn’t really get out in it. I was working. I did take breaks to take pictures or video every few hours then would get back to the task at hand. It literally snowed for over 8 hours straight. We have heard we got between 6-10 inches of snow, depending on which report you want to go with. I guess now that I have the ability to work from home weather days are no longer  a thing. I guess technically I could have used PTO, lord knows I have enough of it, but I had a submittal due in the middle of that storm which turned into a “digital” submission. They were quick to add that we would need to submit hard copies the following week, which we did, tho I question as to why that was necessary. We’ll see if it was worth it.

While dealing with the snow and ice that followed, the other side of the country was literally on fire. Like for weeks it was all anyone talked about, all that was on the TV and then suddenly it wasn’t. That’s starting to feel a little discombobulating as it keeps happening over and over. A MASSIVE Story that everyone is supposed to stop and pay attention to then boom it’s just gone and we all move on except for those dealing with the aftermath. There have also been lots of plane crashes, and other insanity that I won’t go into cause it’s frankly depressing and I think I’m nearing the verge of a nervous breakdown so to rehash it all seems like it’s counter productive at this point. Case in point I started writing this in February, it’s now early March and I’m still working on it.

At the start of February my Dad’s older brother died just shy of his 90th birthday. So last week we had to drive up for the funeral. I went for my Dad, I had recently seen his brother and while it was a good visit I can’t recall the last time I saw him (before that I mean). We were on our way back from visiting Olia for the first time (my new great niece) or I likely wouldn’t have gone that time either.

Not too long after I got home from that trip I got a text message from a dear friend of mine who had been in the hospital for over a month and she was finally home. It was quite a whirlwind of emotions. I’ve talked to her several times since and I really hope this time around she’s found the right combination of medicine and resolve that her time here is not over to finally find her place in this world.

Then a few days later my mom’s sister passed away. That’s always been a very complicated relationship between them. My aunt made some choices throughout her life that weren’t always in her best interest and the last few years she’s just kind of retreated from everyone would reach out when she was sick or needed something but more or less stayed away. I think in my mom’s head she was already gone. She never really processed the death but she is doing ok. She kept saying she feels like she should be sadder or going through specific emotions that she wasn’t feeling. The funeral was more of a viewing and clear on the other side of the state. We found out about it the night before and it was to be held the next morning. So mom and her remaining sisters decided to have lunch instead and they seemed to enjoy themselves. I hope they did. They all used to be so close.

Oh and we got us a new president in the middle of all of this. Every single day has been … an adventure. I have had people that I know that voted for him to look at me and say I didn’t realize it was going to be like this to which I replied what the actual hell did you think was going to be happening ? Or those that voted for him who are trying to convince me now that he’s doing what this country needs and I’ve completely lost my fight. Things that I used to be passionate about I’m just not anymore. I’d call it picking my battles but in reality, there are battles that I’m just not willing to fight anymore cause they honestly don’t matter. Things at work that used to bother me I can’t get geared up for it anymore. Go after that submittal or don’t I don’t care. Help with the submittal or don’t we just won’t get the job. That should bother me but I’m not the one losing out on the work they are. I’ve said for decades that I’m not going to care more about these than they are and I guess I’ve finally really hit that limit. I got a promotion recently and while I know I’ve earned it I can’t help but feel it’s just for show. I’m struggling with that cause while I feel like it’s a promotion like the last one nothing has really changed so it feels like I am just going through the motions.

I can’t tell you the last time I talked with Golden. I finally texted her the other day after realizing it had been weeks/months since we really talked only to find out that she’s very sick with I guess some version of the flu with her lack of immune system it’s not easy to determine really. They will get her well, patch her up and send her back into the world until it happens next time. I don’t like to complain to much about what I have going on cause there better be a throne waiting for her with her name on it for all the crap she's had to deal with in her short little life. In a few months she and I will be attending a concert in Atlanta and then Dragon Con a few months later. Gotta get my badge for that and a hotel. 

I’m still actively or passively looking for a therapist cause I know something isn’t right. Be it a chemical imbalance, a diet thing, or what I just know something is off. I am sleeping in like 2-3 hour shifts and when I’m sleeping it’s not “good” sleep it’s filled with stress dreams or I wake up so achy from being so tense it’s like I have forgotten how to relax. It’s very exhausting but I think I’m also getting used to being exhausted. I also realize this is not a good thing just a thing I’ve got going on. Apparently in order for me to find a therapist I have to call a 1-800 number from my insurance company and discuss what’s going on before they will give me a list of approved therapist for me to call and then I have to then explain to them what’s going on and it just all seems unnecessary. I have made the call once but no one called back (however it was during the holidays so I guess I fell through the cracks) and I haven’t taken the time since to do it again. I had an appointment with someone only to learn they don’t take my insurance and while I could go talk to her (who came highly recommended) but knew in the long run I wasn’t going to want to pay her so I’d just have to start over. I think my brain convinced myself that maybe this was someone or something telling me that I didn’t need to talk with anyone but my brain and I aren’t really talking at the moment so who knows what’s really going on. I just know I’m tired.

I did spend last weekend with my new great niece (whom I just call my niece now) Olia who is just as cute and lovely in person as she is in pictures. I love that little girl so much and I can’t wait to watch her grow up and give my nephew a run for his money. As I held her last weekend I told her that her Aunt Marcy loved her and she lifted her head up (post pandemic babies are built differently) looked me in the eye then dropped her head back to my shoulder. Like she wanted to see whoever had said that. Then she snuggled into me and made this little noise that I took as “cool I like you too!” There’s talk that they will be moving back this way upon graduation in May and I am very excited about it. Like with her dad I look forward to being a part of her everyday world like I was for him.

Lent is once again upon us. I have thought a lot about what to “give up” or “add” to my life. I have settled on SODA all kinds. So from here on out it’s water, tea, juice, or Koolaid. I was also going to give up social media again but that’s not going to be a hardship cause I haven’t really been using it lately. I’m going to keep it open cause that’s how I talk with my nephews and nieces and Golden. I should give up games on my phone as I’ve gotten really dumb with those lately, but damn a girl needs a vice and so I’m keeping those. So on this Fat Tuesday I’m here to tell you that I’m still here, we are still updating this blog, even if no one is reading, and I’m going to drink another coke cause come Midnight I’m done with soda until Easter…… please pray for my coworkers….I was going to take away fried food too but someone reminded me that Lent is not about making myself a monster but about reflection and sacrifice. So maybe I’ll use these next 40 days to focus on positive things in my life to try and turn things around.


Wish me luck!


Sunday, December 29, 2024

2024 YEAR END RECAP : Best Laid Plans

So when I originally wrote this post, on Christmas Eve I was talking about how my nephew and his wife couldn’t join us for Christmas so we’d be going to see them on the weekend after Christmas which was going to eat into my downtime after the holiday. HOWEVER best laid plans be damned cause that Little Girl decided she wanted to join us for the celebration. My nephew and his lovely bride had a beautiful Baby Girl on Christmas Day almost 5 weeks prior to her due date. She was born around 3:30 and was 5lbs 14 oz and 18” long. She’s gonna be dumb tall like her dad. Her name is Olia Noelle and I love it, tho many of my fellow family members are struggling with the name. I myself can say it just fine until someone asks :D I say it like Ollie without the E but ad a AH to it. Oli-ah 😊 time will tell if I’m saying it right or not. My nephew and his wife aren't shy they will let us know if we aren't. Someday it will roll right off our tongue without us even thinking about it and we will giggle at the struggle bus that was her name. With this event I was upgraded from Aunt to Great Aunt and I mean I’ve always been great! As of this writing she is still in the hospital but her mom has been discharged and we are hopeful Olia will be coming home very soon as well. It's going to be exciting getting to celebrate this little thing every year on Christmas. I can’t wait to meet her and tickle her little feet!

However, this is about 2024 …. So digress. I admit that this wasn’t our best year on this blog…but wasn’t our worst ever … looking at you 2023 when we only managed 8 post for the entire year. That’s called minimum effort for sure. Ironically that was the year I started my “blog with a purpose” posts … and thus a post about a charitable foundation followed by me ranting about say Auburn Football …. Sadly, a constant on this blog (ranting about AU sports I mean). I also had only 8 posts in 2018 but it at least had more variety than 2023. Hey not every year can be a winner!

In 2024 I managed to knock out 10 posts, well 11 once this one goes up, on a variety of topics including another Blog with a Purpose post this time focusing on Anthony Nolan. That one was fun cause I was also helping sell a book at the same time. Don’t know if any books were sold cause of me but I’m sure I didn’t hurt the cause, well I hope I didn’t anyway. This was also the year my father turned 80 and he and I spent most of the year working on his memoirs which I found fascinating. Giving us his book was his gift to all of us this year. He also included a card with all his videos, pictures, etc, taken through August (AKA his birthday). That was a nice and very welcoming surprise that I wasn’t expecting. He’s good people my dad. This was also an Olympic year which is always exciting for me and of course Dragon Con for the 10th time. I really believe we have been going far longer than that but 10 is a nice round number so that’s what we will go with.  

We have a new "most viewed" post which is "Baby Talk" a short story I wrote about a new mom and dad figuring out their new roles. I have no idea where it came from but it's been viewed 335 times so maybe others are enjoying it. I am proud that my Bryan White Tribute is in the top 5 of all time views. I was really proud of that one. Golden's "Drunksgiving" Post from 2014 rounds out the top views list and again I say she's way better at this than I am. 

This year the big absence was Golden. I keep telling her she is way better at this than I am … go back and read any posts tagged with GOLDEN and you’ll see what I mean. She uses words like a paintbrush in a way that I only wish I could do. 2024 is the year I was diagnosed with Covid shortly after coming home from Dragon Con. It really wasn’t that “bad” for me but I’ve had every shot the have been willing to give me. Right before I left I begged for one but the nice lady at CVS said that a new one was coming out soon and I should wait. I should have pushed it but I didn’t. Who knows maybe I would have gotten sick anyway. Maybe not. As it was I was confined to my room for 5 days then took two test both of which came back negative before coming back to the real world. I wasn’t really sick as much as I had a MASSIVE headache that just wouldn’t quit and was exhausted all the time, symptoms that lingered long after the negative tests results arrived. I still don’t think my energy level is back up to full but I guess I’m where I’m going to be. The best part of my COVID diagnosis is that neither Golden or my parents got it which was my biggest fear. 

As I am writing this news organizations are dusting off their Jimmy Carter memorial videos to bid farewell to a man that did as much good out of office as he did in office. Maybe it is because he is from nearby Plains, Georgia, or maybe it’s cause he was President when I was born (1977 – 1981) but he’s the first president I recall. From his humanitarian efforts especially with Habitat for Humanity is what I really remember. I also can’t get over the fact he was 100 … like can you imagine all he’s seen and lived through and all the changes he’s been through over his lifetime? I don’t know if I want to live to 100 … heck there are some days I’m not sure I want to make it to 45 but I guess that’s up to someone who isn’t me.


I hope you all had a good holiday surrounded by love and that 2025 is good for you and to 2025 I say please go easier on my friend Golden she really does not deserve the crap that the last few years have put her through. Use someone else as a punching back for a change PLEASE and thank you.



Saturday, November 30, 2024

2024 Christmas Calendar

Happy Iron Bowl Saturday!!!!! So no matter who wins today we are all winners cause we can start planning our holiday watch lists as Dec. 1st is literally tomorrow. How on Earth does that happen every year like literal clockwork but still sneak up on me?! Sigh. I am ahead of the game tho cause I’ve bought several presents already ….. none are wrapped oh no that’s future Marcy’s problem but they are at least purchased and in the house. So go past Marcy !

I may have re-found my mojo … or at least my typical websites that I check were more on the ball this year than last year. Maybe I was in a better mood … or maybe I started it earlier than last year .. who knows…I totes started it earlier than I did last year but the procrastinator in me refuses to believe that was helpful. I’ll be honest. This time last year I didn’t think I’d still be doing this calendar, but it lives, and you know this cause you are reading these words! It was harder this year to find the new stuff that these networks are showing, but I think I captured most if not all of them. It was weird like if they premiered in November they didn’t want to talk about them airing again in December like it was some big secret on when it would air again. It’s not that deep Hallmark why you gotta make everything so difficult, looking at you too Lifetime don’t think you are getting off easy on this one!

This calendar is crammed tight with nostalgia, new offerings, and remixes of old fun family favorites told in what they hope is a new and “interesting” way…spoiler alert it’s usually not. Speaking of “interesting way” if you haven’t seen Red One rush to the theater, grab some popcorn and sit back for a very enjoyable time. I’m not sure it’s child friendly (cause language), but it is a good time and at least it’s an “original” idea for the holidays. Oh, and there’s snarky Chris Evans and The Rock, who is beyond done with the Snarky Chris Evans, which makes for a fun and enjoyable time even without the Crimmus theme. By the way … THAT … is how holiday fun should be, not a shot by shot remake or a word by word remake…. Yeah I’m looking at you Grinch… oh and don’t give the main character a new backstory that’s just lazy.

To prove my point, I present you with this …. there’s Hallmark Channels 2024 “Countdown to Christmas” which I believe started a few days after New Years and is replacing their regular line up of, and I kid you not, Christmas in July or some jazz like that (honestly I can’t make this stuff up guys) …. Then there’s UPtv’s “Uplifting Christmas” with over 600 hours of holiday cheer (yet oddly didn’t really make my calendar cause I don’t get that channel anymore *sad face* and as I have said on numerous occasions this is all about me and I’m just sharing the fun (I think even Hallmark said sit down UPtv that’s too much) …. Then there’s “It’s a Wonderful Lifetime” on well…Lifetime (but ironically they aren’t showing It’s A Wonderful Life .. which is a missed opportunity IMO. I guess NBC said nah but E! and you USA … go nuts! …rolls eyes so hard) …. you can also find the “The Best Christmas Ever” on AMC with an amazing nod to “adultier” holiday fun, “Nickmas” is on Nickelodeon and of course “25 Days of Christmas” on Freeform …the OG of Holiday fun. Not to mention all the streaming stuff cause well you have all heard my rant about that and I don’t think any of us have the energy to go through that again!

So, my point is the calendar is full … but there are days where it’s kind of light on offerings and those are the days you should go look at Crimmus Lights or wrap gifts or put up your tree, hek spend time with your family… maybe meet friends for dinner after work to catch up … I mean I can’t entertain you guys all month … you gotta bring something to the holiday table too. You might need a magnifying glass to read it but that’s why God invented the guy who created ZOOM. Am I right?! Of course I am. I tried to include as many new offerings as I could and yes sometimes a beloved had to go. Sorry Clark, but I mean there are plenty of other opportunities to watch Clark light up the house or read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas as Cousin Eddie comes up the walk with Clark’s boss so that Clark can tell him off for not giving him a Bonus. Really the only time in that movie that I get upset … Clark it’s a bonus not a guarantee it’s not your bosses fault that you overspent on crimmus! Geeze enjoy your fruit of the month and be happy you still have a job!  I always get a little angry when the guy gives in instead of firing him on the spot. Sorry but it’s true.

A few items of note because I don’t want you to miss these and that is the purpose after all…

·       CNN Heroes: An All Star Tribute will air on Dec. 8th  at 7. It’s always a great reminder that in the doom and gloom of the world there are people attempting to make things better for us and good for them. I’ve always enjoyed this special cause it does seem to reach out to so many different types of people in so many different places just trying to use their time on Earth in a good way. 

·       Kennedy Center Honors will air on CBS Dec. 22nd at 7:30 it’s another good program to remind you that there are very good humans in this world but this one leans more to the celebrity side while CNN’s version is more for the everyday man. This year’s honorees include Francis Ford Coppola, the Grateful Dead, Bonnie Raitt, Arturo Sandoval, and The Appollo (that’s right even buildings get love at the Kennedy Center Honors) and will be hosted by my Queen …. Dana Owens.

·       CBS is airing the “Nate Bargatze’s Nashville Christmas” on Dec 19th at 8 (central). They will also air a Josh Groban and Friends go home for the Holidays on Dec. 20th at 8 (central), right after the National Tree Lighting special (is it not a little late for that CBS?!). Of Course these are all on CBS. Both of which have really stupid long names and thus they didn’t make the calendar but something you all might be interested in…if not keep walking.

·       NEW Shows for the Win! As stated, there are several new items on the calendar, I haven’t watched them, but I am interested in many of them cause well at least they are new. I like new. I like original. Do some research before you put Billy in front of the TV with popcorn or plop little Bailey down in your lap for something that you then decide is inappropriate …that’s not my mess. Take it up with your facebook friends on how horrible it is so they can justify themselves as well by sharing in your fake outrage. Or just take it for what it is .. a lesson learned for both you and your offspring crank up Disney+ and move on with your life. You are welcome!

·       TBS, Hallmark, and TNT started their holiday playlist in November. However, they do have enough classics in their lineups to calm me down some so I’ll let it go and not blacklist them like that other network. I would hate to interrupt their nightly Big Bang Theory marathons for something as silly as Crimmus, no seriously we all need to watch Sheldon explain his spot one more time please and thank you. Don’t worry tho the Christmas Day Marathon of A Christmas Story is still on the schedule for TBS so all is not lost, and as long as they keep doing that I’ll keep a soft spot in my heart for them. But I’m side eyeing them real hard.

·       As always if you are looking for something to throw the littles in front of while you wrap gifts, bake, shop online, drink a glass or three of wine, scroll on your phone, or just need a minute … Freeform is the place for you. Their love for Claymation is admirable and while not all the offerings are eyeball worthy they do have a very impressive lineup again this year. May we all bow to the awesome that is Freeform.

·       I’d like to point out the purpose of this calendar …. Jimmy Fallon’s “5 More Sleeps ‘Til X-mas” no longer comes on … or I couldn’t find it anywhere and I’m real good at this Calendar so I am going to say it’s not coming on. I think it aired what 2 maybe 3 years then poof it was gone! That’s how quick a beloved special goes from must watch TV (cause we are trying to help our Host sell books) to wait what was that? I am not a Jimmy Fallon fan but that was a cute special. Wish it had stuck around. While I’m at it what about Yes Virginia ….. I still can’t believe they took that one down …….. silly CBS….silly ABC…..silly NBC it’s like they just don’t care about Crimmus. I’m sure it’s on a streaming service somewhere….but again we won’t rant about that …again. This is how we save these specials tho by watching when they air. YES most of us have the DVDs and some even still have the DVD players but hit that DVR up when it comes on and let em know we want to see them. As long as we watch they will keep showing them.

·       Incase anyone is keeping score I’m still mad at Food Network so they can keep their holiday specials safely in November cause I’m not participating! PS I love Christmas Cookie Challenge or whatever it is called and it’s on repeat about 97,463,049,730,497,630,943,706 times a day so totally check it out between that and Diners Drive in and Dives. It’s madness what’s going on over there … madness … I tell you …. madness!

Now for …the rules. If you are an OG user of this calendar, feel free to skip ahead. If you are new to the party …. Well, you want to read on or face my wrath. Don’t make me hulk smash you cause I’ve been wanting to Hulk Smash something all year so I’m ready don’t come at me bro!

·       NO E-MAILS about taking Christ out of Christmas, it’s just a really long word and using X-Mas allows for more shows on the already full calendar.

§  Thanks for your understanding.

§  For those that don’t understand I’ll be glad to remove you from the list, just let me know.

·       I live in the central time zone, the times on this calendar reflect that, adjust accordingly.

§  That said unless otherwise stated the times are PM

·       Late Hour Focus, but hour round fun. For you work from home people, stay at home mom’s, or employers who have access to good wifi ….  they run these specials all day long, and while my calendar focuses mainly on the after-work hour times since that is when I can watch (again see note about this being about me and my schedule not yours), fire it up as background noise for that meeting that you are totes paying attention to while you are on mute, or while you edit that really long annoying document that you have already edited several other times but it’s fine you’ll do it again. I also don’t list things if they are on at like 3am…. You insomniacs are on your own.

Much like the Halloween one ….. I have been doing this one for over 15 years now …. The goal is to set aside some time for the holiday cheer to enter your soul …. for those shows and stories we all grew up with to fill your heart with happiness … and most importantly to stop…breathe…take a minute … then jump back out there into the madness that is the holiday season. Teach the new generation that our generation was way better by making them watch the hour long Rudolph or watch them spaz out when Ralphie well you know. Then casually say, “hey isn’t that the guy from the Iron Man movies and watch them again think of what a smart person you are for recognizing him. IYKYK.

Merry Christmas to you all …. and I hope you each have a wonderful and safe New Years. Here’s to a fantastic 2025 for us all !


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

2024 Halloween TV Schedule

Look I don't know why this stupid site won't let me post pictures anymore and I'm kind of getting sick of it ...... it just says "sorry we can't upload your picture" with no explanation or anything so if you want this stupid calendar hit me up on twitter (which I refuse to call "X"  here ... sorry it's a pain ... trust me I know .... ARGH! 

BEASLMA on Twitter 

Jumping on my soap box early this season I guess. I don’t understand why Hollywood doesn’t own a calendar. I mean they must right cause they have their fall premiers so they know when fall is….yet there is  Halloween stuff starting in SEPTEMBER.. and CHRISTMAS MOVIES starting in October …. Like what?! How .. Why…. When… I repeat … WHAT?! It boggles my mind honestly. It’s a ready made series of fun and they just dismiss it every year and well that’s just not ok! It’s time we stand up and demand more … or watch what we are given and sit down. I mean you guys do you I’m gonna be over here with Micheal Myers seeing if he finally catches Jamie.  

The point is … once again my Halloween calendar is being over run by the main stays, the OGs if you will. I’m thankful for the networks who not only understand this but embrace it. Looking at you Freeform, Syfy, TMC, AMC, and I appreciate your efforts to keep the fun in Halloween …. Yeah ok fun isn’t in the word Halloween but we all know it’s implied. So just … let me have this ok!
These are networks that understand this time of season and what the viewers want to watch. , I did discover a few new offerings from Hallmark that might have people interested. One in particular called Haunted Wedding that I will admit I have already marked on my calendar cause it sounds … interesting. I’m sure it’s got the same formula as all the other Hallmark movies but I guess I can’t be mad at that. If it aint broke, well make a kabillion of them apparently.
 We don’t want candy canes …. Yet…. we want apple spiced stuff or for some of you pumpkin spiced things. We don’t want presents with pretty ribbons we want candy and in some cases gore. HECK make a scary Halloween Chrismas movie if you must just slow your fraking roll and let us enjoy the holiday please and thank you! I’m looking at the stores too who have already started pushing the Halloween stuff to the smallest possible shelf they can in order to make room for Santa and his gang.
For those new to this party, and there are several of you, I will re-state the rules, for those veterans out there please forgive me for giving a short explanation and allow your attention to wander freely if you’d like. (thanks for that line Albus! – 10 pts for your house if you can tell me which Harry Potter book that’s paraphrased from).
The Rules:
  • I live in the central time zone, the times on this calendar reflect that, adjust accordingly if you have traveled north of the Mason Dixie Line or spread your wings out West. Don’t call me cause you missed your “favorite” show/movie, that’s not my mess. Be a big girl or boy and crank up that DVR and find out when it comes on again cause odds are it will. It is about perspective people!
  • Time Zones are hard and sometimes I screw up the conversion from Eastern Time Zone to Central. See Note above for how I feel about you finding a mistake on the calendar.
  • Unless otherwise stated the times are PM, this calendar is also geared towards the after work hours cause that’s mostly when I can watch. My office seems to think it’s a distraction if I watch while at work, I mean I still do sometimes. For those WFH peeps or stay at home moms feel free to check out these channels throughout the day for more spooky goodness.
  • Lastly this calendar shows things I want to see, movies and specials that take me back to my childhood or that just make me happy. Some are kid themed, and some are more adult oriented. PLEASE be mindful of that before you sit down with your little and they can’t sleep cause Freddy might get them. That’s your mess not mine but Kudos to you for showing them a classic. Seriously don’t be that person and there’s always one. This is supposed to be for fun, if you make it not be for fun well you won’t get it next year. PS if you don’t get this one you don’t get the Christmas one either so be sure that’s what you need/want before firing off that e-mail. This isn’t the internet where you can say whatever you want without consequences. 
If you are a digital user the easiest way is to saving it to your phone so you can check it on the fly, I mean who hasn’t gone to the bar keep at the local restaurant to ask them to switch from the game to Friday the 13th ? Just me …. Yeah, the crowd didn’t think it was a good idea either, but I stand by the request and will likely make it again. When I print it, and I do, I print it 11X17 but 8.5X11 is often good enough, especially if you can use one of those cool work printers … not that I do that.
Now I must warn you … these networks have some kind of dyslexia cause I have noticed that they will show the movies and their sequels but often in not any kind of order that makes sense in any world that we live in.  In the case of Halloween or Friday the 13th or even Nightmare on Elm Street when there are more sequels than the Queen had jewels (RIP Liz) they really got dumb. Like I honestly think they are throwing darts at a board and just showing whatever the heck they want. Which if i think about it is their prerogative. If it’s a full night of say Halloween fun I just put Halloween Marathon and it’s up to you to find what you want to watch, that’s right you don’t get out of doing some work on this thing too. If you pick Halloween Three we can no longer be friends.  
A few shows of note:
  • Freeform – is once again bringing their 31 nights of Halloween to the party. Just about every night there is fun and laughter and lots of animation that satisfies both adults and little’s alike. So sit down relax and fall into the fun of your childhood. The joy starts October 1st.
  • AMC is where you go for all out gore …. Fear Fest starts October 1st and it is not to be messed with and is to be revered and loved for the wonder that it is. Lots of classics on the list and marathon on top of marathon. Lots of theme nights.
  • Hallmark channel is showing up for their “Fall into Love” event with “new” movies to offer which mostly premiered in September but I guess if you haven’t seen it then its new to you. There are likely others on the schedule but I focused on those offered for 2024. I admit I’m interested in Haunted Wedding cause there’s just so many things they could do with hat and I can’t wait.
  • SYFY is also having a 31 days of Halloween and I admit I was working on this letter when I realized I had forgotten them completely, and well we can’t have that I mean this channel gives so much love to the leprechaun series, Child’s Play and all the classics and shame on Marcy for forgetting them.  Sadly the SYFY schedule only takes us through mid month … so there’s more out there than what I’m showing. In my defense I’m mad at SYFY for cancelling Reginald the Vampire and they deserve what they get.
  • Food Network – for some reason another year has come and Food Network started their Halloween programing in September. So they aren’t on this calendar but the main programs include Halloween Wars, Halloween Baking Championship, Kids Baking Championship, and really the only one you need to be aware of is Outrageous Pumpkins. This year they are having an “all star” cast from previous seasons (who knew they had been on long enough to do that!)
  • Disney Channel is once again having a Monstober starting October 1st … which isn’t dumb at all, however the craziest thing about it is that they have very little to offer. As you know this calendar is not about established shows that are having Halloween theme shows and with the entirety of Disney+ at their disposal it’s insane to me how little they have to offer. However They are showing Wizards Beyond Waverly Place which I have featured on the calendar cause I’m intrigued by it.
  • Tuner Classic Movies (TCM) is back for an entire October of Horror Films and they are back on the calendar if only cause of the variety they bring to the table. Even though I no longer have this channel which makes me both sad and a little angry. Thanks a lot TED!
  • Charlie Brown - Apple TV+ is still the home for all the Peanut’s specials …. Like last year they are opening up free access to non-subscribers so they can watch their favorite holiday specials but only for limited windows of time. This includes:
    • It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown   Streaming free on: Saturday, October 19 and Sunday, October 20
    • A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Streaming free on: Saturday, November 23 and Sunday, November 24
    • A Charlie Brown Christmas   Streaming free on: Saturday, December 14 and Sunday, December 15.
  • Fox: The Simpson’s Treehouse of Horrors will air the first Sunday of November cause that’s not dumb at all … between football, baseball, and NASCAR Fox has over extended themselves but they really should keep this special during the month of October.
Of course, there is streaming but even I can’t get up the energy for that rant tonight …. You know what to do …. Huluween, MAX, Prime, Disney+, and of course the almighty Netflix, to only name a few, will have various offerings of Halloween fun. Just so you know HULU does have the Garfield Halloween Adventure and it’s well not as good as my childhood remembers but it’s better than some of the junk out there and I can’t wait to watch it again and again.
So enjoy a scare, carve a pumpkin, eat all the good candy and buy some more for the little beggers who grace your front door just do whatever you need to in order to keep Mariah at bay a little bit longer. IYKYK.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Nerdcation is Over


As loyal readers to this blog are aware the end of August and Early part of September mark the time for Dragon Con in Atlanta. It always starts the Thursday before Labor Day which makes it easy to remember. As the clock resets and starts counting down to the 2025 Dragon Con I thought I’d document this Nerdcation (as Golden has pinned it) as it was a very nice break for me at least, I hope Golden can say the same.

We did all the things we had planned to do …… stopped by the cool bookstore that we found just north of Atlanta (in Jones Creek, GA) called Kinokuniya Bookstore which has all the anime and art supplies it’s really cool. Golden found it for us last year. We have started going up on Wednesdays which allows us the luxury of an easy drive to Atlanta from her house without the fear of if we get there too late we’ll stand in the badge line forever. It’s a really cool store unlike any other near where either of us live so it’s worth the extra drive. If they don’t have it you likely don’t really need it. Golden is learning Japanese and found a cool book to help her on that journey. I bought a paralympic inspired anime which I admit I haven’t started yet but did flip through a few times during our “Con downtime.” We did stay there a little longer than anticipated which got us to our hotel during rush hour. That I do not recommend. The bumper-to-bumper traffic reminded me of why I could never LIVE in Atlanta. I can visit, I can even go there for work purposes (and have on several occasions) but I need to know that I will soon be leaving Atlanta behind soon … for it to work.

Upon arrival to our hotel, the mecca that is the Atlanta Marriott Marquis, the holy grail for Dragon Con goers we were in the thick of everyone trying to check in, valet park cars, and get luggage assistance. This is where I failed in our Dragon Con quest this year. I packed like an insane human being. I didn’t consolidate or pack my bags with any kind of planning for forethought and thus ended up being to spread out. My goal for next year … 2 bags and a backpack. I’m 98% sure I can do it. We heart this hotel, and the staff is very lovely but the queue just to “check in” was wrapped around like a snake. They had three people not even helping people cause they were in the “suer exclusive line” … aka Gold and Platinum status people, I myself only recently made Silver Status. I mean yeah ok … if they have those people in line fine, that’s why they have the perk afterall, but if they don’t maybe help out the normals also trying to check in ? Golden stayed with our bags (cause the dude just took off with the cart like he knew who we were – we are regulars to the Con for sure but not that well known ya know what I mean) and I jumped in line to check in. I tried checking in on my phone but it said you’d still need to see the front desk to get your room key and number. Basically, I’d just be telling them that I was in fact there, so I stood in line and texted with Golden about how she was doing. I finally made it to the front, got our keys headed to find Golden, grabbed a few essential bags off the cart, gave the luggage guy our room number and proceeded to the elevators and found the hottest room to ever exist on earth. Some MFER put the air on 85 degrees. In Atlanta. In August. May that person have boils on their but popp and explode and they not be able to reach them. That’s just … I mean of all the insane things a human can do that borders on just evil. We cranked the air down as low as it would go, propped open the door and tried to relax as we waited on our luggage, which didn’t take long at all actually.

Once we were properly settled and no longer living in satan’s armpit we proceeded to walk around downstairs and see what was up. We grabbed some food and did some people watching. It was crazy to us the amount of people who rolled up to the hotel in full cosplay ready to get the party started. I was like wow slow your roll this is a marathon not a sprint. We ate dinner at High Velocity (a restaurant in the hotel) and walked around a bit, people watched and were safe and snuggled into our beds long before the midnight countdown. That my friends was Day1. 

Thursday Day 2 started with getting gout badges for the Con which required that we walk … outside. One of the advantages of being at the Marriott is that there are sky bridges to two of the other hotel hotels. However the 4th host hotel is down the street and that’s where badges are picked up. We used to drive in on this day, pay to park near the hotel get our badges then would proceed to our hotel and check in and chill for the day, killing off the first official day of the Convention. Hence why we started coming in on Wed. The line was supposed to start moving at 10 am. We got in line around 11 and started the long trek around the building. I swear people need to learn how to quee up in a line. At one point there were huge gaps where I guess people didn’t realize the line had moved or I don’t even really know and Golden looked and me and said screw this. We jumped the gap and I’d do it again if asked. Off we went. We were still in the cattle call (as I call it) inside the ballroom to get our badges when I saw the lady previously in front of us walk in so we didn’t jump too far in the line or she did the same thing we did just a little later. Either way we were both much better for it. Once again someone had forgotten to adjust the air and it was quite hot in there. I was glad when we made our way to the front for our badges so we could officially get going on our day. The next order of business was lunch. There were food trucks sat up at the badge hotel but I frankly didn’t want to sit outside. So we walked back towards our hotel and found the little concession shop to grab food and take it back to the room. Where we hung out until dinner time. By now Satan’s armpit was feeling more like a polar bear exhibit but neither of us adjusted a damn thing. Golden wore a hoodie most of the time in the room and I longed for a long sleeve shirt. She is truly my smart friend. We finally dragged ourselves out of bed, into “outside of the room clothes” and proceeded to the Trader Joe’s in the nearby Hilton. Did you know you need a reservation for that restaurant. We did not either. However, they accommodated us and while I enjoyed by porkchop and fried rice Golden’s dish was stone cold by the time it got to her and she didn’t enjoy hers nearly as much. Some more people watching and walking around then back to bed. That was day 2 .. which was officially Day 1 of Dragon Con. Which is confusing I know but it’s important to note that.

Friday day 3 … or Day 2 of Dragon Con was set aside for me to give blood. I like to do it early so if I want to participate in the adult beverage I can without it affecting my donation. Golden comes with me but as previously stated she can no longer give blood, the blood bank would have to destroy it so it seems a wasted effort for all parties involved. After that it was time to feed Marcy so she didn’t take another dirt nap in the middle of the street .. so we proceeded to Peachtree Center and hit up the food court. Got some nurishments and then proceeded to the America’s Mart so we could do our annual Paint and Take. We then hit up the arcade and got our game on, Golden fell in love with a Godzilla pinball machine, which I admit was pretty fun. More people watching and relaxation as we headed back to our hotel. I must have crashed cause I honestly don’t remember the rest of the night.

Saturday, day 4…. Or Dragon Con Day 3 … is set aside for the Vendor Hall. It’s typically an all-day affair. As I think I have said before it’s 4 floors of just things to purchase, people to talk to, things to look at and just …. Stuff. I often call it a game or do I like it enough to carry it the rest of the day? I did end up buying a book which I stood and talked to the author about for about 15 minutes while Golden looked at something else. Golden gets a Henna Tattoo every year while I still on my collapsible stool, truly the greatest thing ever invented, and people watch. It’s really pretty and always suits her very well. It eventually wears off which is kind of sad. These years might have been the best she’s ever gotten. We got out of the Vendor Hall around 4 I think and proceeded to go back to the room for another dirt nap. Saturdays at Dragon Con are very stupid as they sell one day passes and all the people descend on the Con which ends up feeling very suffocating. So we chilled in the room for the night.

Sunday, day 5 … or Dragon Con Day 4 .... At some point every year we have what I call a lazy day. Sunday I guess was that day. We got up, went and got breakfast buffet which was delicious but we ate far too much then proceeded to watch movies and snack the rest of the day. Golden had one thing on her to do list and that was a panel about traveling to Japen. So, we were determined to make that. It started at like 8:30. Crazy I know. We made it down there sat through the panel, got some dinner afterwards, walked around and headed back up stairs shortly after midnight to pack up our things and get into our respective beds for the night.  

Monday, AKA Labor Day, also known as Day 6 … or Day 5 of Dragon Con is always reserved for traveling back to Golden’s house then crashing hard. We typically have to wait for luggage assistance for like 2 hours and it’s quite annoying so this year we had a  plan. I’d get up early call them and we’d be on the road early. So I got up early …. I called them and they said we’d be there in 20 minutes.  I was like um…. Ok. I proceeded to get dressed and tried to wake up Golden, several times. I didn’t fully believe they would be there in 20 minutes … but damn if they didn’t and damn if she didn’t jump up and become a functioning adult faster than I’ve ever seen her do it. It was quite impressive. We were out the door and walking to the elevators by I’m going to say 8:30…8:45 at the latest. We got the car packed up and was leaving for what may be our easiest roll out ever. To say I was impressed is an understatement. Not too long after we were on the road we spotted a Hardees and I love me a Hardees breakfast so we pulled over and filled our bellies. We got to Goldens and took a long dirt nap, ordered pizza and watched a Harry Potter marathon.

So all in all I’m calling it a successful trip. According to Dragon Con the number is 75K+ for head count (but I feel that’s way low) and over $200K raised for this years charity the Arthritis Foundation. See Dragon Con puts out donation buckets at every event and all over the place really and collects money throughout the convention for the charity of choice. Dragon Con then agrees to provide a dollar for dollar match which is really cool. It’s their way of giving back, it’s typically a local charity but not always. By my count we walked 25,011 steps, or roughly 11 miles over the trip, and traveled roughly 947 miles according to Google Maps, which tracked us the entire way which isn’t scary at all. We had a lot of downtime, which we both desperately needed, had a lot of laughter, got to see some amazing Cosplay and most important I got to spent 5 6 solid days with my bestie. So yeah it was successful. I drove home at the arse crack of dawn on Tuesday after not sleeping at all Monday night. I slept for nearly 13 hours Tuesday night and Wed felt like a brand new human being. It is crazy what sleep will do to a person, both the lack of it and having enough of it. Now my PTO is over, it’s the weekend officially and I’m looking at the prospect of returning to the real world on Monday. I’m not ready. Not even kind of ready. That scares me more than anything I saw at Dragon Con if I’m being honest. I might be at a crossroads and I’m not sure which way to go.

Hope everyone had a successful and safe Con and arrived back to their home bases safely.


Marcy (@beaslma)

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Dragon Con is near.. Are you ready?!


According to the Dragon Con website we have just under 11 days until Dragon Con officially kicks off. The Ap has been updated. The schedules are set (kind of), I mean they often change at a moment’s notice throughout the Con. I have once again set up my profile on the ap and sent Golden a friend request so we can see each other’s schedule (seriously can’t they get some nerd to figure out how to roll that from one year to the next?). I have made my appointment to give blood. I’ve checked the status of our hotel about 349,730,967,304,967,340,967 times and we are still good to go …. Now all that’s left is …. Well all the things.

There’s packing, and laundry (there’s always laundry), then packing up my bathroom stuff, and my electronics, charging all my external charger ports, clearing off my phone to make way for all the awesome I’m about to see. Charged my Switch and made sure it was updated, don’t worry I’m sure the next time I play it there will be another update.. Oh and i have to go get my annual Dragon Con TV subscription. I’m also in the process of clearing my work schedule so I can fully enjoy the time away with my bestie.

This is the first year I’m taking 2 whole weeks off (10 days to be exact). I’m taking the Friday before I leave and the Monday before I leave off then heading to Golden’s on Tuesday, then to Atlanta on Wednesday and will be in Atlanta until Monday where we will make our way back to Golden’s to crash hard before I drive back home, likely that Tuesday. Then I plan to take the rest of that week off to again do laundry, unpack, decompress, and ready myself for the return to work thing. I wish Golden could do the same, but COVID might have messed that up for her. At least she’s clear for the convention. On my to do list this week is getting my latest COVID vaccine just in case. I assume they are still giving them out … guess I’ll find out. The last one I got was before last year’s convention. I don’t know if it helped or not but I didn’t get sick so I can at least say I tried.

A few must do items on the to do list for Dragon Con include:

  • Paint and Take -  Honestly one of my favorite things ever … we get to sit and people watch while painting these little miniatures that someone made on a 3D printer. It’s by far the most relaxing part of our trip.
  • Vendor Hall - which is like I don’t like 6 floors of just stuff from books to plushies to action figures to t-shirts and everything else you might think of. I usually find something to bring home but also find something but don’t wanna carry it around and so I leave it behind.
  • Walk of Fame – which is always interesting cause that’s where the “talent” ends up between their panels and you can talk to them or get an autograph. One year we hung out with the guy who does the Voice for Pinky and the Brain. Another year we met Nathan Fillion. One year we helped a “handler” do a Lego build while waiting on the guy who ended up not showing up cause his panel ran long. We met Felicity Day once who told Golden she loved her hair. Then later tweeted something out to the world and Golden showed me her phone and said she’s now internet famous cause she was in the background. It’s just fun to just walk around and see whose there. It’s only open at odd times tho so it’s hit and miss on if we get there are good times.
  • Blood Drive – I participate but Golden cannot. On 9/11 Golden went to give blood and a few weeks later got a letter that her blood had to be destroyed. Thus began her journey to the Medical Marvel that she is today. So it’s a nice “check up” without having to pay a copay. Plus I get a cool shirt.
  • Joystick Gamebar – this was new since Covid. Before they would have some prototype games in the Gaming hall that you had no idea how to work cause it was usually in Japanese or some other language and you’d just hit a bunch of buttons until you got frustrated and walked away. Now they have what they call a Gamebar in ATL within walking distance from the host hotels that we can play actual games like donkey Kong and Pacman and Mrs. Packman and racing games and pinball. It’s all free yall and it’s fun!
  • Coloring for Charity – each year Dragon Con picks a specific charity and has little events and donation buckets all over the place for people to donate to the charity. A few years ago we stumbled upon this event which allows you to get a coloring book that is created by some of the artist in the Artist Pop Shop (or something like that) and it’s really cool to just sit in a room, chill and color like a small child for a bit before going back into the big mess that is the Con.
  • Dragon Con Parade – Tho I admit after the first few years it was more fun to watch from our hotel room on TV or to skip it all together and go to the Vendor hall while everyone else was occupied. I do like looking at all the pictures from it tho. It’s where you get to see a lot of the creativity fly in one central location. There is no other way to describe the feeling of seeing 75-100 Agent Carters walking down a block than just Awesome.
  • Dance Parties – I don’t dance but I like watching others do it....Who knows maybe i will let loose this year and go to town with some cute young stud looking to have a good time ...... 

I don’t really have costumes planned this year, much like last year it just seemed like a lot of trouble. I am taking my Care Bear onesie for Onsie Wednesday but it may or may not make it out of the back that it is in. I like walking around … looking at all the creativity that bursts out of people this time of year and I know I’ll never be as creative as they are. I always forget that for Dragon Con anything goes until I get there and see literally everything on display. Then my anxiety kicks in about will people get it ? Is it cute or stupid? What if I am a half fan and then suddenly these people start talking to me about said topic I’m dressed like and I don’t know enough to talk to them about it. I mean I’m nerd adjacent but not full on nerd. Plus there’s not a lot of cosplay for a full figured gal AKA fat girl and that’s not something I can change in 11 days. So I will pack all the nerdy shirts and proceed as planned and spend 6 amazing days with my bestie in a nice pair of blue jeans and comfortable shoes, preferably with a rum bucket in my lap, you know … once I’ve given blood of course.

 If you are heading to Dragon Con next week hit us up …. @theonlygolden   @beaslma

Happy travels and make it home safely!




Sunday, August 11, 2024


**Blogger won't let me upload pictures ..... don't know why**

As I sit here watching the closing ceremonies of the 2024 Paris Olympics …. I admit ……. I’m exhausted. Getting up at 3 every morning … sometimes 4 to catch events as they happened was both necessary cause I need to see stuff live but also made for very long days at work. As with Tokyo …. I got a little insane during these 17 days (July 26th – Aug. 11th) and if I wasn’t watching the games live, or repeats of events at night, I was looking at athlete social media and thinking about what I’d be watching next.

I found a fantastic app that allowed me to add games to my calendar…. I didn’t realize it was adding it to my work calendar but I wasn’t mad at that either. That ap has now been flipped over to the Paralympic games which are as inspiring and special to me as these games. The drama the stories, the athletes, watching them do the impossible and make it look so simple is just an extension of these games.

Thank goodness for Peacock. I really hope they keep the momentum going for the Paralympic games cause their coverage was fantastic. Being able to click live events as they were happening or search by a specific day or search by a specific sport in order to plan your day.  I also loved that the times on Peacock were for my specific time zone which was instrumental in my planning process.

So what did I watch ……

Gymnastics, all kinds … Artistic, Rhythmic, Trampoline …. I love the drama of it. The athleticism and how there is very little to no room for error, you go up, do your routine and there is no do over. The Women blew me away as I expected them to and the Men had a rough start but a strong finish and finally got back to the podium.  Volleyball is my other love and to watch it on an Olympic stage is just the best. While Beach Volleyball ended up breaking my heart it was a fun ride while it lasted and the rally’s these teams played on the beach in the sand that was burning their feet, in the heat, and sometimes at night with the Eiffel Tower glittering in the background was just a spectacle to be seen. Well played Paris .. well played. Diving …. From all heights … the US struggled hard but it was still fun to watch… another sport that is one and done … like one bad dive and it’s kind of over cause at that point you are counting on another to have a bad dive. These are the best in the world and bad days rarely happen at that level. Artistic Swimming – AKA Synchronized Swimming – which finally got some TV love this year due to the US having a team that made it to the podium. Indoor Volleyball ended up being satisfying after watching all the other Volleyball teams fall early. The power and speed that this sport is played at gives me chills. Literal chills. 3X3 Basketball – it feels like backyard ball and I’m here for it every single time. Archery – it’s sooooooo dramatic for very little reason …. Like that dramatic pause I guess to steady themselves before letting it rip is important but is it really ? Asking for a friend .. who is me. Now this sport with the Paralympians … that deserves all the drama but they just let it rip. Badminton – I mean …. Who hasn’t played this sport with family in the backyard or at a BBQ and thought they could do this until they watch and are like wait did the shuttlecock even move before the point ends? Basketball – I watched this one more cause of my nephew he loves this sport and it gives us something to talk about plus it was fun to see the new version of the “dream team” take the court and play as a unit. They almost fumbled hard but they pulled it off. The women however never lost control of it and just sailed to that Gold medal.  Breaking - I still have no idea what was going on or how it was scored and yall I tried. I’ve read more about this “sport” that I’ve ever read about any other sport and I just can’t figure it out…. I don’t know if it will stay in the Olympics or not but it was interesting it just wasn’t explained very well for those of us that had not participated in a competition before. The announcers were …. Well I’m gonna be nice but I think they were making that shit up as they went along. Cycling … BMX … Track …. All fascinate me too cause the speed that they move and the closeness of each of the participants makes you think they are gonna die. I liken it to Snowboarding during the Winter Games it’s fun to watch but like Breaking I don’t quite know what’s going on but can at least tell a good run vs a not so good run. In breaking I couldn’t even attempt it. Routines that I thought were good and entertaining got no points … routines I thought were lousy got all the points. Like what the hell … but I digress. Equestrian …. I watched more of these events than I’ve likely watched in previous years…but I can’t really tell you why. Football … aka … Soccer … mostly cause my boss is obsessed with it and it gives us something to talk about. Rugby – this sport fascinates me but the Paralympic version of it, known as Murder Ball makes it look tame. Swimming ….. I mean how do you not watch it’s on for like 6 days straight and they have like 5,203,476,304,967 events each night. Table Tennis – see previous note about Badminton.  Tennis – I mean … we said goodbye to Nadal who left it all on the court, got to see Djokovic not shock anyone by taking the tournament by storm. The real championship was between Nadal and Djokovic, after that it was all downhill from there. I’m gonna give the ladies a break cause well that was kind of painful to watch. Water Polo - which fascinates me, cause like how do they jump like that without touching the bottom of the pool? Weightlifting - cause I wanna be watching when they throw down those weights and destroy the floor..it’s gonna happen …. You just wait.  I even got into some of the Track and Field events which I usually watch but with like one eyeball while I look for something else to watch.

I do admit there were sports that I didn’t get to watch … not as a boycott but more cause I just didn’t get to it or there just weren’t enough hours in the day …. Canoe Sprint (which I usually watch but didn’t this year for some reason), Fencing, Golf, Handball, Field Hockey (that blue field just was too much), Judo, Marathon Swimming, Modern Pentathlon (tho I did watch some of the events that make it up just not enough to say I watched it), Rowing, Sailing, Shooting (I mean honestly who came up with that?), Skateboarding, Sport Climbing (cause why really … what is the point ?), Surfing (again I saw pieces of it but not enough to say I watched it), Taekwondo, and wrestling.

Yall at one point my phone gave me a middle finger and said no more please …. It shut down and I was like oh goodness I guess we are done for the day. Like I couldn’t get it to come back on…. Couldn’t get it to charge… I really thought I was going to need a new phone but I guess it overheated or something cause she seems good now. Which is good cause like is said there is a rest then the Paralympic games get going. I will be watching but I will also be at Dragon Con so I’m gonna have to divide my two loves and catch what I can when I can. So Phone you are going to have to get it together and cause it’s going to be a long week again.

As I watch the Closing Ceremonies I’m struck by how colorful and exciting the Opening Ceremonies was vs this darker less celebratory version of a send off to these games. 

 Medal Count ... cause that's all anyone cares about (which is sad) ends with US on top of the pike for MOST MEDALS at 126 .... GOLD   40   SILVER 44    BRONZE 42 .... so we had a good O    Olympics for sure. China was behind us with 91 total (also 40 Gold), Japan with 45 total, Australia with 53 adn France rounding out the top 5 with 64 total medals as they hosted the biggest sporting party of all time. In 4 years we get to do this again on US soil once again. I’ve really given a lot of thought to Los Angels … but I know me I’ll talk myself out of it. However …. It’s always a possibility … I have 4 years to make up my mind after all.

Marcy @beaslma