Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Thankfulness Challenge - Day 4

Today I am thankful for laughter. Yes, laughter. Absolute, genuine, loss of control, laughter. I am a complete idiot. I don't mean I'm stupid or ignorant. I consider myself quasi intelligent. But I am straight sideways. My sense of humor is different than most and you either get it....or you just so don't. Not only do I love to laugh, but I love to make others laugh. Because of this I often seem to play the part of the jester and I don't know if you could call it a talent but I tend to make others laugh easily. But for some reason it is rare that I'm the spectator of the show. Rare that i laugh freely. So when somebody makes me laugh without restraint, it is one of the best gifts to me.

Oh I just love when you laugh and you reach that place that you're crying, or snorting, when your whole face lights up. That place where you realize you have laughed so hard that you've accessed stomach muscles that you forgot existed. Laughter truly is the best medicine. So many days do I hurt or feel poorly and if I can just manage a deep true laugh fit, it helps. Some of the bad just falls away.

I am so very thankful for the people that make me laugh. The opportunity it provides me to forget about the seriousness of reality, if only for a little while. I wish there were more causes to laugh in this world, more reasons to smile. Time spent laughing, no matter how stupid the joke, is never time wasted.

--golden  @theonlygolden

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