Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Thankfulness Challenge – Favorite Childhood Books

As a kid, I loved being read to, I loved reading on my own, I loved everything about reading. From the smell of a freshly opened book, going to the book store or library and browsing the shelves looking for that perfect book, and finishing one just to start another. My favorite day of the year was the Scholastic Book Fair I would get so excited when they’d pass out the order forms and when my mom and I would sit down to fill it out. I would save my money all year long for that one order form. No matter what I did or how much I saved it was never enough but mom would always come through. 

My nephew came out of the womb wanting to read. He’d sit on the couch book in his lap flipping the pages and making up the best stories that never existed. I only wish I had pulled out a camera and recorded them. A lot of times I couldn’t understand what he was saying but he was so enthusiastic about it I loved every second of it. One year he was determined to read the most books in his class and get as many AR reader points (or some jazz like that) in a single year. That was a fun year. See they had to read a book, tell their teacher they read it and then take a test on what he read. His score would result in points. I loved suggesting books, helping him find others, reading them with him so he’d have someone to talk to about it before taking the tests.

So just like with the video games post I thought I’d share some of the books that he and I bonded over when he was a child incase you are looking for some Christmas ideas prior to Black Friday shopping. 



Little Golden Books. I love the Little Golden Books series, I have a ton of Little Golden Books on my shelves. I like the original books like Tootle, The Little Red Caboose, The Shy Little Kitten, The Fire Engine Book and also love the Sesame Street, Disney versions that came out. Like the Monster and the End of this Book featuring Grover, and a few years ago they released “Everything I need to know I learned from a Little Golden Book” which I got for Christmas from several family members. For the record don't bring me some weak ass Little Golden Book without the gold foil spine all that will do is piss me off. 

My all time favorite Little Golden Book was and will always be The Poky Little Puppy, which by the way was the on billionth LGB printed in 1986. It’s my all time favorite book from my childhood. As a matter of fact whenever a friend has a baby I give them this book as part of my baby gift. That book is all kinds of brilliant. It’s five little puppies who dig a whole under the fence and explore the world around them only to get in trouble when they get home. They do this several times throughout the book and the way they see the world and things around them was brilliantly done. A great way to talk to kids about consequences of actions that kind of thing.

The Berenstain Bears. There is a Berenstain Bear Book for literally every occasion. God Bless Stan and Jan Berenstain. The hours of enjoyment that the books have given me are too high to count. From having a Messy Room, to Bad Habits, to telling the Truth, to having a new Baby, table manners, trouble at school, going to a doctor for the first time, dealing with bullys,  learning how to deal with strangers, and mom getting a new job, and moving and going to the dentist, going to school for the first time. Literally every single thing has a Berenstain Book to give to a kid to make their situation a little easier to deal with.

Literally anything by Dr. Seuss. I loved the play on words, the fact that he could make up this world in his head and it all worked at the end of the day. I love that there is a book that people have started giving for graduation gifts, Oh The Places You go. So many fantastic stories, and of course I love me some How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Horton Hears a Who, There’s a Wocket in my Pocket, Oh The Thinks you can Think, and I wish That I had Duck Feet. So many great options you can’t go wrong with any of this books. 

Pierre – or as we called it, “I don’t care, my names Pierre” My mom gave me this book cause I had gotten into a habit of saying I don’t care. The book is all about a little boy who answers everything by saying I don’t Care and the consequences of it from it. At one point he is asked if a Lion could eat his mom (or something like that) and he says I don’t care and the Lion eats his mom. It was quite traumatic at the time. I love that book.

You can’t go wrong with any book on this list much less any other book on the planet. Reading is important no matter the book just the aspect of giving an actual book and even better reading the actual book with the recipient.



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