Sunday, November 3, 2019

Thankfulness Challenge – Medical Field

I just finished wrapping my mom’s legs, she has this thing I’m sure it has an official name but basically fluid goes down to her feet but does not come back up. So everyday we wrap her legs from say her upper thigh down to her toes and back. She hates it. See mom also needs a hip replacement and desperately needs a knee replacement. Her doctor told her once that her entire right side needs to be replaced. Which is kind of scary. She was supposed to have a reverse rotator cuff surgery shortly after Dragon Con (she waited until after Dragon Con so I could enjoy my trip  - mom logic). She decided the week before to not have that surgery. In her defense she has physically made herself sick from worrying about it, has been on antibiotics for over 2 weeks, had heard nothing good about the surgery, and it wasn’t “really a problem.” Her knee on the other hand is. She could live without the shoulder - she has learned to work around it - but the knee has gotten to a critical moment where she HAS TO HAVE IT DONE. When she stands up and puts weight on that leg you can hear her knee cracking and buckling, over the television in the room. It breaks my heart. Her doctor believes that her hip needs to take priority. He thinks a good deal of her pain, not all of it mind you, is coming from her hip and doing the hip first will make the knee easier.

So the hip comes first. In early December she will have her hip replaced. We don’t know if it’s a full replacement, partial replacement or what that’s a question for the next visit. He seems to think 3 days in hospital a few weeks of rehab and by March we are doing the knee. I was like whoa let’s slow down there for a minute sir. Mom is so sick of being in pain, I can’t wait until she’s through with all this mess and on the other side of it. I pray that 2020 is the year of healing for her and getting her back to living not just existing.

As you know my partner in crime is a true medical marvel and has had more medical people around her than Dead Pools at Dragon Con and while they haven’t always been “GREAT” many that she has come across truly want to make a difference and fight for her when a fight is necessary. I wish more were like that in every day life but especially in the medical field.

So on today I am thinking for people who go into the medical profession to make life easier, better for others. Those who saw a problem like my mom’s fluid issue and realizing that wrapping legs with ace bandages would help with that respect. I keep thinking there has to be a better way but this way seems to be doing the trick so why mess with it.


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