Friday, November 29, 2019

Thankfulness Challenge - naps

I suck at taking naps. I mean dont get me wrong I can fall asleep with the best of them when I'm tired but I wake up from naps ill as a hornet trapped in a coke can. Why is it a coke can?! Is it cause I am in the South and everything revolves around cokes ?! Like in Washington is it a can of something else and in Detroit something different?! Anyway back to my original point. 

I just woke up from a nap. 

Right before I fell asleep I was telling how I didnt feel good. I've pretty much been miserable all day and I'm not even hung over or day drinking and that's just not ok. My head has been killing me and my back is hurting well not really hurting but is spazzing so it hurts at certain times like really bad then just a dull ache. 

I fell asleep and the Trolls movie was just now coming on. I just woke up and it is going off. So maybe that's my problem. I never mastered the 20 min recharge nap. I usually pass out for 2 hours or more and I guess that's too long. Also dad says I snore, he should know hes king of snoring. 

Cause well..... I suck at naps. 


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