Friday, September 6, 2024

Nerdcation is Over


As loyal readers to this blog are aware the end of August and Early part of September mark the time for Dragon Con in Atlanta. It always starts the Thursday before Labor Day which makes it easy to remember. As the clock resets and starts counting down to the 2025 Dragon Con I thought I’d document this Nerdcation (as Golden has pinned it) as it was a very nice break for me at least, I hope Golden can say the same.

We did all the things we had planned to do …… stopped by the cool bookstore that we found just north of Atlanta (in Jones Creek, GA) called Kinokuniya Bookstore which has all the anime and art supplies it’s really cool. Golden found it for us last year. We have started going up on Wednesdays which allows us the luxury of an easy drive to Atlanta from her house without the fear of if we get there too late we’ll stand in the badge line forever. It’s a really cool store unlike any other near where either of us live so it’s worth the extra drive. If they don’t have it you likely don’t really need it. Golden is learning Japanese and found a cool book to help her on that journey. I bought a paralympic inspired anime which I admit I haven’t started yet but did flip through a few times during our “Con downtime.” We did stay there a little longer than anticipated which got us to our hotel during rush hour. That I do not recommend. The bumper-to-bumper traffic reminded me of why I could never LIVE in Atlanta. I can visit, I can even go there for work purposes (and have on several occasions) but I need to know that I will soon be leaving Atlanta behind soon … for it to work.

Upon arrival to our hotel, the mecca that is the Atlanta Marriott Marquis, the holy grail for Dragon Con goers we were in the thick of everyone trying to check in, valet park cars, and get luggage assistance. This is where I failed in our Dragon Con quest this year. I packed like an insane human being. I didn’t consolidate or pack my bags with any kind of planning for forethought and thus ended up being to spread out. My goal for next year … 2 bags and a backpack. I’m 98% sure I can do it. We heart this hotel, and the staff is very lovely but the queue just to “check in” was wrapped around like a snake. They had three people not even helping people cause they were in the “suer exclusive line” … aka Gold and Platinum status people, I myself only recently made Silver Status. I mean yeah ok … if they have those people in line fine, that’s why they have the perk afterall, but if they don’t maybe help out the normals also trying to check in ? Golden stayed with our bags (cause the dude just took off with the cart like he knew who we were – we are regulars to the Con for sure but not that well known ya know what I mean) and I jumped in line to check in. I tried checking in on my phone but it said you’d still need to see the front desk to get your room key and number. Basically, I’d just be telling them that I was in fact there, so I stood in line and texted with Golden about how she was doing. I finally made it to the front, got our keys headed to find Golden, grabbed a few essential bags off the cart, gave the luggage guy our room number and proceeded to the elevators and found the hottest room to ever exist on earth. Some MFER put the air on 85 degrees. In Atlanta. In August. May that person have boils on their but popp and explode and they not be able to reach them. That’s just … I mean of all the insane things a human can do that borders on just evil. We cranked the air down as low as it would go, propped open the door and tried to relax as we waited on our luggage, which didn’t take long at all actually.

Once we were properly settled and no longer living in satan’s armpit we proceeded to walk around downstairs and see what was up. We grabbed some food and did some people watching. It was crazy to us the amount of people who rolled up to the hotel in full cosplay ready to get the party started. I was like wow slow your roll this is a marathon not a sprint. We ate dinner at High Velocity (a restaurant in the hotel) and walked around a bit, people watched and were safe and snuggled into our beds long before the midnight countdown. That my friends was Day1. 

Thursday Day 2 started with getting gout badges for the Con which required that we walk … outside. One of the advantages of being at the Marriott is that there are sky bridges to two of the other hotel hotels. However the 4th host hotel is down the street and that’s where badges are picked up. We used to drive in on this day, pay to park near the hotel get our badges then would proceed to our hotel and check in and chill for the day, killing off the first official day of the Convention. Hence why we started coming in on Wed. The line was supposed to start moving at 10 am. We got in line around 11 and started the long trek around the building. I swear people need to learn how to quee up in a line. At one point there were huge gaps where I guess people didn’t realize the line had moved or I don’t even really know and Golden looked and me and said screw this. We jumped the gap and I’d do it again if asked. Off we went. We were still in the cattle call (as I call it) inside the ballroom to get our badges when I saw the lady previously in front of us walk in so we didn’t jump too far in the line or she did the same thing we did just a little later. Either way we were both much better for it. Once again someone had forgotten to adjust the air and it was quite hot in there. I was glad when we made our way to the front for our badges so we could officially get going on our day. The next order of business was lunch. There were food trucks sat up at the badge hotel but I frankly didn’t want to sit outside. So we walked back towards our hotel and found the little concession shop to grab food and take it back to the room. Where we hung out until dinner time. By now Satan’s armpit was feeling more like a polar bear exhibit but neither of us adjusted a damn thing. Golden wore a hoodie most of the time in the room and I longed for a long sleeve shirt. She is truly my smart friend. We finally dragged ourselves out of bed, into “outside of the room clothes” and proceeded to the Trader Joe’s in the nearby Hilton. Did you know you need a reservation for that restaurant. We did not either. However, they accommodated us and while I enjoyed by porkchop and fried rice Golden’s dish was stone cold by the time it got to her and she didn’t enjoy hers nearly as much. Some more people watching and walking around then back to bed. That was day 2 .. which was officially Day 1 of Dragon Con. Which is confusing I know but it’s important to note that.

Friday day 3 … or Day 2 of Dragon Con was set aside for me to give blood. I like to do it early so if I want to participate in the adult beverage I can without it affecting my donation. Golden comes with me but as previously stated she can no longer give blood, the blood bank would have to destroy it so it seems a wasted effort for all parties involved. After that it was time to feed Marcy so she didn’t take another dirt nap in the middle of the street .. so we proceeded to Peachtree Center and hit up the food court. Got some nurishments and then proceeded to the America’s Mart so we could do our annual Paint and Take. We then hit up the arcade and got our game on, Golden fell in love with a Godzilla pinball machine, which I admit was pretty fun. More people watching and relaxation as we headed back to our hotel. I must have crashed cause I honestly don’t remember the rest of the night.

Saturday, day 4…. Or Dragon Con Day 3 … is set aside for the Vendor Hall. It’s typically an all-day affair. As I think I have said before it’s 4 floors of just things to purchase, people to talk to, things to look at and just …. Stuff. I often call it a game or do I like it enough to carry it the rest of the day? I did end up buying a book which I stood and talked to the author about for about 15 minutes while Golden looked at something else. Golden gets a Henna Tattoo every year while I still on my collapsible stool, truly the greatest thing ever invented, and people watch. It’s really pretty and always suits her very well. It eventually wears off which is kind of sad. These years might have been the best she’s ever gotten. We got out of the Vendor Hall around 4 I think and proceeded to go back to the room for another dirt nap. Saturdays at Dragon Con are very stupid as they sell one day passes and all the people descend on the Con which ends up feeling very suffocating. So we chilled in the room for the night.

Sunday, day 5 … or Dragon Con Day 4 .... At some point every year we have what I call a lazy day. Sunday I guess was that day. We got up, went and got breakfast buffet which was delicious but we ate far too much then proceeded to watch movies and snack the rest of the day. Golden had one thing on her to do list and that was a panel about traveling to Japen. So, we were determined to make that. It started at like 8:30. Crazy I know. We made it down there sat through the panel, got some dinner afterwards, walked around and headed back up stairs shortly after midnight to pack up our things and get into our respective beds for the night.  

Monday, AKA Labor Day, also known as Day 6 … or Day 5 of Dragon Con is always reserved for traveling back to Golden’s house then crashing hard. We typically have to wait for luggage assistance for like 2 hours and it’s quite annoying so this year we had a  plan. I’d get up early call them and we’d be on the road early. So I got up early …. I called them and they said we’d be there in 20 minutes.  I was like um…. Ok. I proceeded to get dressed and tried to wake up Golden, several times. I didn’t fully believe they would be there in 20 minutes … but damn if they didn’t and damn if she didn’t jump up and become a functioning adult faster than I’ve ever seen her do it. It was quite impressive. We were out the door and walking to the elevators by I’m going to say 8:30…8:45 at the latest. We got the car packed up and was leaving for what may be our easiest roll out ever. To say I was impressed is an understatement. Not too long after we were on the road we spotted a Hardees and I love me a Hardees breakfast so we pulled over and filled our bellies. We got to Goldens and took a long dirt nap, ordered pizza and watched a Harry Potter marathon.

So all in all I’m calling it a successful trip. According to Dragon Con the number is 75K+ for head count (but I feel that’s way low) and over $200K raised for this years charity the Arthritis Foundation. See Dragon Con puts out donation buckets at every event and all over the place really and collects money throughout the convention for the charity of choice. Dragon Con then agrees to provide a dollar for dollar match which is really cool. It’s their way of giving back, it’s typically a local charity but not always. By my count we walked 25,011 steps, or roughly 11 miles over the trip, and traveled roughly 947 miles according to Google Maps, which tracked us the entire way which isn’t scary at all. We had a lot of downtime, which we both desperately needed, had a lot of laughter, got to see some amazing Cosplay and most important I got to spent 5 6 solid days with my bestie. So yeah it was successful. I drove home at the arse crack of dawn on Tuesday after not sleeping at all Monday night. I slept for nearly 13 hours Tuesday night and Wed felt like a brand new human being. It is crazy what sleep will do to a person, both the lack of it and having enough of it. Now my PTO is over, it’s the weekend officially and I’m looking at the prospect of returning to the real world on Monday. I’m not ready. Not even kind of ready. That scares me more than anything I saw at Dragon Con if I’m being honest. I might be at a crossroads and I’m not sure which way to go.

Hope everyone had a successful and safe Con and arrived back to their home bases safely.


Marcy (@beaslma)