Sunday, October 11, 2020

Random Thoughts by Marcy

I’ve been wanting to make a post for a while now but every time I think about one I have about 12 things bouncing around in my head that I feel deserves my voice …. And it all ends up being a jumbled mess in my head. In those cases, I have done a “random thoughts post” so I’ve decided it’s time to bring out the Random Thoughts posts if for on other reason so I can generate some content on this blog. 

Mental Health

I’m not going to lie …. I’ve been better. I’ve fallen into a pretty bad rut lately where I get up, work 8-10 hours, sometimes skipping lunch and then have supper, and sit in my chair watching TV praying for a time when I can go to bed then when I get in bed I lay there watching crap on youtube or some other digital platform until about 1 before finally giving up and falling asleep only to get up the next day and do it all over again. Saturday tends to be my only day where I can sleep in and sadly that’s 10am cause by then I’m usually wide awake. I have a tendency to stay in my bed long after I woke up cause I know the second I hit the floor I’m going to be going until I can get back into that bed. I wish I could walk into a room without hearing “I need you to…” or “oh good I have a job for you ….” I know they need me and I appreciate that but it sometimes becomes too much and I just want to be left alone for 3 seconds. That’s usually when I go to bed early or take a “bath.” I spent some of last weekend cleaning up my space just cause I needed to do that. For as little time I spend in there it is amazing how quickly it can become awfully messy with “stuff” everywhere. Mostly clothes. I’m real bad about washing clothes then not putting them away. Taking back control of my “space” helped me very much, tho it also made me see what else needed to be done. That is the problem with cleaning ………. It always makes you see how much more needs your attention that you don’t have the energy to give it.


How come when I’m available to watch all the Halloween movies and fun all that’s on is Back to the Future … or anything from the Chucky series (which I just can’t get into), The Mummy, the Nightmare Before Christmas fine films mind you but not the Halloween goodness I want to fill my eye holes with during Halloween fun time. Where the hell is The Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Halloween 2? Little Shop of Horrors ? Why does it seem all the good stuff is on when I’m not available to watch it? Friday I did turn on the Friday the 13th marathon as my work background noise … one of the joys of working from home. I just feel like I’m missing so much of it all and that makes a sad Marcy.  

Justin Willman

Speaking of Halloween did you hear that Justin William is doing virtual magic shows based on his Magic for Humans Netflix show. He’s doing two special shows on the 30th and 31st. The entire show is a Live Interactive hour of mind-blowing (spooky) magic and surprises via Zoom. I mean everything else on the planet is done by Zoom why not this. Ticket’s are $25 per household and you can sign up at

I’ve already gotten my ticket for the 30th Halloween Eve! Better hurry they are going fast!


Just one time …one time before I die I want to vote for someone cause I truly believe they have the answers that will make this Country great …. Not again … but to the potential that the super power that used to be the United States could really live up to. It’s been a long time since we were that. I’m honestly surprised that the other countries still let us play with them at the big summits. This dates back several presidents ago ……. Not just the most recent train wreck. The truth is I really wanted him to do well. I wanted him to dig his head out of his own ass and his advisors to do the same and really get to work for this Country. It could have been a good thing it could have kept alive the idea that anyone could be president that anyone could rise to that level, but now that seems to be a dead dream. Don’t get me wrong this is not a Democratic love post cause at the moment I’m just as sick of them as I am “him.”

What really kills me tho …. Is that no one has figured out how to work with his crazy ass. Even his own people don't know how to get him to do anything or talk to him in a way that would make a sane person you know listen. It’s not a United as a Country thing anymore it’s an us vs them thing and that’s just sad. It’s been that way before “him” but it seems like it’s now so more than ever. I am so tired of the back and forth bullshit and nothing getting settled or accomplished and the people who put them in those positions are the ones that suffer for it. My biggest fear is that he will win ….. that there’s too many like me who feel that this is all just a giant waste of time but my bigger fear is that he won’t leave and then there’s that fight. What really scares me is I’m not even sure the Democrats are confident in their choice. This is the first election in my lifetime that I have seriously considered not voting at all. What’s the point?! No matter what I vote the outcome in my state will be the same …. Therefore all these people telling me I have a voice couldn’t be more wrong, and that’s the saddest thing ever.


I have personally known a good dozen people that tested positive for the Virus, one of which died. Yes he had underlying medical conditions but at the end of the day those were aggravated by Covid and the end result is the same. He’s gone. His wife is now living without him and struggling to pay bills, his daughter accepted the flag for his service to our country and he’s gone. I had given serious thought to not voting at all … cause well as started above …. What’s the point anyway. Turns out all I needed was a push. I got that push after “he” got out of the hospital, after getting the best medical care in the world, and told said world that this Virus was no big deal. I’m currently working from home because my coworkers have decided that it’s no big deal and now the LEADER of the FREE WORLD has validated that belief. This is not a joke. This is something that we should have had under control by now. That other Countries figured out long before it got here and instead of watching what they were doing and paying attention we decided to go our own way and here we are. Still in the throws of it with numbers not declining and not even evening out but still rising. That’s messed up. The idea that Biden would have had all the answers is of course insane but it can’t be worse can it? I mean honestly how far as we going to let this fucking go before we say enough is enough? Meanwhile this Covid shit still doesn’t get under control. That is not a world I want to live in at all.

So those are my random thoughts ……… they are not endorsed by Golden (@theonlygolden) they are my thoughts and my thoughts alone.

Thanks for reading,



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