Sunday, August 18, 2024

Dragon Con is near.. Are you ready?!


According to the Dragon Con website we have just under 11 days until Dragon Con officially kicks off. The Ap has been updated. The schedules are set (kind of), I mean they often change at a moment’s notice throughout the Con. I have once again set up my profile on the ap and sent Golden a friend request so we can see each other’s schedule (seriously can’t they get some nerd to figure out how to roll that from one year to the next?). I have made my appointment to give blood. I’ve checked the status of our hotel about 349,730,967,304,967,340,967 times and we are still good to go …. Now all that’s left is …. Well all the things.

There’s packing, and laundry (there’s always laundry), then packing up my bathroom stuff, and my electronics, charging all my external charger ports, clearing off my phone to make way for all the awesome I’m about to see. Charged my Switch and made sure it was updated, don’t worry I’m sure the next time I play it there will be another update.. Oh and i have to go get my annual Dragon Con TV subscription. I’m also in the process of clearing my work schedule so I can fully enjoy the time away with my bestie.

This is the first year I’m taking 2 whole weeks off (10 days to be exact). I’m taking the Friday before I leave and the Monday before I leave off then heading to Golden’s on Tuesday, then to Atlanta on Wednesday and will be in Atlanta until Monday where we will make our way back to Golden’s to crash hard before I drive back home, likely that Tuesday. Then I plan to take the rest of that week off to again do laundry, unpack, decompress, and ready myself for the return to work thing. I wish Golden could do the same, but COVID might have messed that up for her. At least she’s clear for the convention. On my to do list this week is getting my latest COVID vaccine just in case. I assume they are still giving them out … guess I’ll find out. The last one I got was before last year’s convention. I don’t know if it helped or not but I didn’t get sick so I can at least say I tried.

A few must do items on the to do list for Dragon Con include:

  • Paint and Take -  Honestly one of my favorite things ever … we get to sit and people watch while painting these little miniatures that someone made on a 3D printer. It’s by far the most relaxing part of our trip.
  • Vendor Hall - which is like I don’t like 6 floors of just stuff from books to plushies to action figures to t-shirts and everything else you might think of. I usually find something to bring home but also find something but don’t wanna carry it around and so I leave it behind.
  • Walk of Fame – which is always interesting cause that’s where the “talent” ends up between their panels and you can talk to them or get an autograph. One year we hung out with the guy who does the Voice for Pinky and the Brain. Another year we met Nathan Fillion. One year we helped a “handler” do a Lego build while waiting on the guy who ended up not showing up cause his panel ran long. We met Felicity Day once who told Golden she loved her hair. Then later tweeted something out to the world and Golden showed me her phone and said she’s now internet famous cause she was in the background. It’s just fun to just walk around and see whose there. It’s only open at odd times tho so it’s hit and miss on if we get there are good times.
  • Blood Drive – I participate but Golden cannot. On 9/11 Golden went to give blood and a few weeks later got a letter that her blood had to be destroyed. Thus began her journey to the Medical Marvel that she is today. So it’s a nice “check up” without having to pay a copay. Plus I get a cool shirt.
  • Joystick Gamebar – this was new since Covid. Before they would have some prototype games in the Gaming hall that you had no idea how to work cause it was usually in Japanese or some other language and you’d just hit a bunch of buttons until you got frustrated and walked away. Now they have what they call a Gamebar in ATL within walking distance from the host hotels that we can play actual games like donkey Kong and Pacman and Mrs. Packman and racing games and pinball. It’s all free yall and it’s fun!
  • Coloring for Charity – each year Dragon Con picks a specific charity and has little events and donation buckets all over the place for people to donate to the charity. A few years ago we stumbled upon this event which allows you to get a coloring book that is created by some of the artist in the Artist Pop Shop (or something like that) and it’s really cool to just sit in a room, chill and color like a small child for a bit before going back into the big mess that is the Con.
  • Dragon Con Parade – Tho I admit after the first few years it was more fun to watch from our hotel room on TV or to skip it all together and go to the Vendor hall while everyone else was occupied. I do like looking at all the pictures from it tho. It’s where you get to see a lot of the creativity fly in one central location. There is no other way to describe the feeling of seeing 75-100 Agent Carters walking down a block than just Awesome.
  • Dance Parties – I don’t dance but I like watching others do it....Who knows maybe i will let loose this year and go to town with some cute young stud looking to have a good time ...... 

I don’t really have costumes planned this year, much like last year it just seemed like a lot of trouble. I am taking my Care Bear onesie for Onsie Wednesday but it may or may not make it out of the back that it is in. I like walking around … looking at all the creativity that bursts out of people this time of year and I know I’ll never be as creative as they are. I always forget that for Dragon Con anything goes until I get there and see literally everything on display. Then my anxiety kicks in about will people get it ? Is it cute or stupid? What if I am a half fan and then suddenly these people start talking to me about said topic I’m dressed like and I don’t know enough to talk to them about it. I mean I’m nerd adjacent but not full on nerd. Plus there’s not a lot of cosplay for a full figured gal AKA fat girl and that’s not something I can change in 11 days. So I will pack all the nerdy shirts and proceed as planned and spend 6 amazing days with my bestie in a nice pair of blue jeans and comfortable shoes, preferably with a rum bucket in my lap, you know … once I’ve given blood of course.

 If you are heading to Dragon Con next week hit us up …. @theonlygolden   @beaslma

Happy travels and make it home safely!




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