Saturday, May 7, 2022

Graduation ….. moving forward …. and words of wisdom

So a few years ago, my oldest nephew was graduating from High School and starting his journey that would lead him to Auburn University and eventually to Pharmacy school, which he is currently in. Now I sit here after a day of celebrating nephew #2 who is about to embark on a similar journey. A week from Tuesday he will walk across that same football field and graduate with his class before heading to Auburn in the fall to study engineering.

I’ve posted on this blog a few times about my college experience, how it led me to find my bestest friend in all the land (@theonlygolden) and how it shaped me into the person I never dreamed I’d be. Back in 2014 I did a post called “college advice” which highlighted some things I wish I had known as a little Tiger for those joining the work force. This time I’ve decided to highlight some things I wish I had known as a little Tiger that were more general words of advice for your college experience. So consider these more advice to make your college experience more enjoyable.  

So here goes ….

Be open to change

Right now my youngest nephew is leaning towards Civil Engineering but who knows what’s in store for him really. I mean when I started at Auburn I was heading for Communications with dreams of being a researcher at CNN. I quickly ended up making a bee line to the left and ended up with a BA in English with no clue of what to do next.  My aforementioned oldest nephew started in Chemical Engineering and is now in his 2nd year of Pharmacy school. My point is you know the path you’d like to take but don’t be afraid of the exits along the way. Sometimes those unexpected detours take you where you need to be not where you thought you wanted to be.

Career Student

That said avoid being a career student. That kid who is like a semester away from graduation and freaks out about it so they change their major buying them more time. Eventually you will have to choose and in the time it could have taken you to get multiple degrees you end up with say an Accounting degree you can’t really do anything with in the real world.

Be Social

I’m not saying go to that frat party and get hammered. I’m also not saying stand in the middle of the concourse in the quad and scream at people about religion, what I’m saying is find that happen medium where you can talk to classmates, go to a few parties, attend the get to know you events freshman year. Who knows your bestie could be there and change your life. Or you’ll meet your soul mate or you’ll find out that you want no part of those people what so ever and narrow down the path to finding your tribe. Your friends, your ride or die partners through college. Know that some will be forever friends, some will be blips on the radar that is your college experience, some will be footnotes in the stories you tell after getting out of school and some you won’t even recall when you really try to. They are all important. They all have a meaning and there is a reason they have been sucked into the vortex that is your life. Learn from them, grow with them, grow away from them but they will in some way shape the person you become even if you don’t realize they are shaping you at all.

Drinking …..

I’m not going to tell you not to do it, that will just make you want to do it more. Just learn what you can and can’t handle and learn it quickly. You will likely drink, sometimes you will drink too much, know that you don’t have to drink to have a good time. I know that sounds hard to believe but often you’ll find that not drinking opens your eyes to what’s really going on around you and you will learn just how little fun most of those guys are having. That’s not to say that drinking can’t result in a good time cause it can. It can make you relax and allow you to let loose and enjoy yourself but only when used correctly. It’s going to take time to learn that. Surround yourself with a crew that will take care of you while you figure that out. Every once in a while be that person in your tribe.


I didn’t do them. I knew many who did. I did not. I can’t give you advice on this but I can tell you that most people will be cool with you saying no. Cause that’s more for them. So feel free to be different and say no. If you do partake, have a tribe around you that will take care of you, will lead you when you need to be led and that will make sure you get home safely.

Get Involved

Attend things … sporting events, socials, and special event days at your school. My school has what they call “Hey Day” every fall where you well say hi to each other and there are events throughout campus. I wish I had taken more time to attend more of that. During the first few weeks of the school year there are all kind of welcome events, some specific to your college, others more schoolwide, there are also events like this during finals week. Free food is always a good thing and these events have that and more. Take the time to stop and enjoy these things, even if you are just grabbing a  plate on the way to your next destination.

Stay with your group

I learned this one the hard way. When you go out with your buddies, your friend, be it a frat party, a house party, a sporting event, a night at the movies, whatever. STAY WITH YOUR GROUP! Remember your training from elementary school and keep the buddy system going. If you are at a party and don’t want to be there at the very least find your group and let them know you are heading out. Don’t be woken up 2 hours later with your group frantically banging on your door cause they couldn’t find you and were worried about you. Don’t be that person. Be the worrier not the one that’s making people worry. Most definitely don’t do it twice. The third or fourth time people might not worry and they definitely won’t look for you and that might be the time you really need them to do so.

I’m sure there is more I could tell you and more you could learn from related to my experiences in school but I’ll leave it here. The best piece of advice I can give is ignore the advice from most. Listen to it, take it in but know your experience and theirs are going to be different. Different time, different events even if it’s the same place. You will need to find your path, find your way and you will. Just breathe and most of all enjoy it. On the other side is at least 30-40 years of work. So make the most of your time to make mistakes, to be silly, to be stupid, and to learn from all of that before you hit the real world.


Congrats class of 2022 …. And good luck!

Marcy  (@beaslma) 

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