Sunday, February 15, 2015

Connections - Fiction piece

So …um… it’s been a while. My bad. I didn’t mean to be gone so long it just .. kinda happened. Not cause I was off having fun mind you more cause I was well tired of a computer. Like physical act of looking at a screen or touching a keyboard made me want to vomit, which is not good for computer devices. I think I’m better now … we’ll see if I get through this post sans vomit. Wow this post is going so well if anyone is still reading…thank you I promise it will get better.

I’ve been rattling around in my head a story that I started a few weeks ago after a dream (see post “Dreams, Music,and the Royal family … a fun combination …” I keep wondering what would have happened next had I not been woken up by my evil alarm clock. However every time I start to write it I feel … odd. I don’t know Shannon or Ryan and I certainly don't know any of the Royal family, heck I've never even shown a big interest in the comings and goings of the Royal family. It seems weird to be writing about “real” people. I’ve always felt weird about “fan fiction” cause it implies I know more about these people than I do. It’s one thing when I’m writing about characters I’ve created and can literally do anything I want with them, but these are real people, with real feelings, who might one day find this post and either hate me or love me, and since I love them so much the idea of their “hate” makes me sad and gives me writer’s block.

So … Shannon, Ryan, Harry, Katherine, all of you mentioned below, please forgive me but I have to get this out of my head so I can once again think like a semi normal person, what’s sad is I see this as a four part piece, however before I get ahead of myself let’s see how this one goes before I start talking about a third one let alone a forth one.

The sequel to Dreams, Music, and the Royal family … a fun combination …


Prince Phillip walked into the sitting room at Bukcingham Palace and is surprised to find Prince Harry with his back to him. “Oh Harry so good to see you!” Harry continues to stare ahead unresponsive. “Harry?” It’s very unlike the Prince to completely ignore someone. As Phillip gets closer he notices that Harry is wearing headphones and holding his electronic device that Phillip notices Harry spends a lot of time with. He sits in a nearby chair and once again addresses the Prince. No response. Playfully Phillip kicks out at the chair then laughs as Harry almost falls out of it.

“You scared me sir!” Harry yells across the room, louder than he would have if his ear buds would be at a normal volume.

“I wouldn’t have if you’d take those blasted things out of your ears!” Phillip replies pointing to the side of his head. "I swear you'll go deaf!"

“My bad, I was watching a video. I’m waiting on Will. Since George came along the always punctual one is always late!” then he grins to himself, “Who knew I’d turn out to be the reliable one around here.”

Phillip grins, “What were you listening to?” Knowing better than to remind the young Prince how many times William sat in the same chair far less patient waiting on Harry.

“Oh, Haley and Michaels posted another video online. This time it’s a cover of a song called “You’ve Got a Friend” I can’t get their voice out of my head. They blend perfectly together.”

“Ah yes I too like to listen to the album that Katherine bought me, Lights is my personal favorite.” Then he looks over to the door to see if anyone was listening, “have you called them yet?”

Harry sighs and slumps down in the chair, “No, I’m not sure what to say. We haven’t really finalized anything for the benefit yet, like dates or anything, so what do I say, ‘hey guys I love your music want to commit to a benefit happening sometime possibly in London, but we aren’t sure when, where, or how yet.!?’ That seems amateurish. I would like to have more details for them so it doesn’t come off as one of their friends playing a trick on them.”

William started to walk into the room, Phillip stood up patted Harry on the shoulder, “Then get to work!” and walked out the way William came in.

William took the seat left by Phillip, “What was that about?”

Harry looked up, “oh nothing we were talking about the benefit”

Looking at his tablet, “Still haven’t figured out how to call them yet huh?! Pathetic.” As he stood up to leave for their charity engagement, “Let’s go we’ll be late!”


That afternoon Harry and William arrive back at the Palace to get ready for an early dinner engagement. As they started up the stairs to change they heard the squeal of a young voice and a tired mommy, “George get back here!” Harry smiled as William took the stairs three at a time.

Harry rounded the corner to see a disheveled Kate standing over George keeping William at bay. “No he’s going to listen to me, now George get up and come back to your room, NOW!” seeing he was beaten George sat up, looked towards his father who shook his head and then saw Harry. “HARRY!”

“No not Harry, you can’t play with Harry until you go to your room and pick up your toys and get ready for dinner! Now go!”

“Sorry buddy” Harry waved “see you soon!” as he turned his back on this and headed to get ready. He saw Kate send him a grateful smile as he turned to walk away. Some days I’m glad I’ve not done that yet, he thinks as he unlocks his room, then thinks of George falling asleep in his lap after a book and remembers it isn’t always bad.

That evening before the state dinner hosted by the Queen, Harry finds himself standing with Kate as they waited in the receiving room waiting on the Queen and Phillip to arrive, “William says you still haven’t contacted Haley and Michaels. It’s not like you to be shy!” Kate turns to look her brother-in-law in the eyes, “What’s up?!”

“Details Duchess…details.” He watches her squirm a little at the use of her formal title, one she’s never quite gotten used to. “It’s difficult to sign a group to a commitment when frankly there’s nothing to commit to yet. As chairs of this event I was hoping we could tentatively come up with a date tonight.”

She stood there for a moment thinking as William called her over to meet someone, she nodded to him and walked away. Harry was struck by how much his Sister-in-Law and brother had grown into quite the picture of a Royal Couple. She supported him when necessary, but could also hold her own in any room. Mom would have been proud he thought and not for the first time.

That evening at dinner Harry makes a point of sitting next to Kate. Typically at a dinner like this they all divide and conquer the room so each guest gets what Harry calls the “Royal treatment” but tonight he’s got business to discuss with Kate.

As the first course is sat in front of them and the chatter around the table picks up, Kate turns to Harry, “May, I’m thinking May before it gets too hot or the weather starts turning on us. Obviously not this May, because that’s just crazy as I'm not going to be able to help much with the new baby coming, but next May. That gives us a year to really promote the benefit, get some sponsors, and sign up as many artist as we can. I think we need to include people on the stage as well as people around the grounds, like painters. Some of the kids that we meet on a daily basis can be showcased and really make it about the children who will be helped by this benefit. I also think that the stage should be shared with amateur artist as well as established artist and every group in between. A mixture will get a variety of people on board and interested.” She paused as she ate her salad. “Harry?” after he said nothing.

He was just starring at her, “May….yeah ok.”

“Now call them get them as the first group signed to the benefit I can’t imagine they will tell you no.” He doesn’t respond, “Harry…you do know how to contact them right?”

He looks at her shrugs his shoulder, “Not really” wishing that he didn’t blush so easily.

Kate pulls out her phone, under the table, pulls up their website and sends it to Harry as a text that says “start here silly!” Then goes back to enjoying her dinner and talking to the guest to her other side.

The next day Harry started with the “contact us” portion of the website and started typing up the e-mail. It was a short e-mail for the time he spent on it. He wanted it to be right, not too creepy but also not very fanish.  He wanted to sound professional. He read it one last time and hit send feeling that a weight was lifted from his shoulders, as Kate said he’s not usually this uptight about things. He heard the now familiar squeal from down the hall and went to play with his nephew the one person who never turns him down.


So there it is, this one took on a life of it’s own and ended up being different than what was in my head when I started writing but decided to run with it and let the words fall where they will.

BTW that song mentioned by Harry that Haley and Michaels posted , "You’ve got a friend" is real and can be found on their Facebook page it's fantastic. 
Haley and Michaels Facebook Page
Check em out guys this group is ah-mazing! :D


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