Sunday, March 22, 2020

Big Rona

So …. It’s crazy to me that my last post some 20  f’ing days ago was concerned about what I was or was not giving up for Lent. Like that was a major thing, something to stress about. Who knew that less than a month later Lent would be the least of my worries. Today marks a week since I left my house, other than to go to my back porch to retrieve frozen mystery meat for supper. My super awesome boss didn’t want to go into the office and wasn’t going to ask us to do something he wasn’t also willing to do. Turns out his wife found out that one of her coworkers is showing symptoms and his son has a classmate also showing symptoms. Our city just got the test in the last few days so who knows what they have. Could be the Flu…could be Big Rona (as Golden calls it) but either way why risk it? 

I’ve been fortunate enough to work from home for the last week and we are planning to work from home next week. some of my friends have not been so lucky. They are out there fighting the good fight and I have had other friends be released from their positions. It's a stupid crazy time for everyone.  

Whether you are reading this on mandated lockdowns, in self quarantine, Self-isolation, or just practicing social distancing you are doing your part to slow this damn thing down and I thank you. Now understand I don’t want the “virus” as everyone is starting to call it (tho its nickname changes on the daily … Coronavirus, COVID-19, whatever the president decides to call it in todays daily rant/press conference).  I’m not so concerned about getting it myself, I think I’m healthy enough to fight it off. It is my mom and dad I worry about.

Mom just got to the point where she was leaving the house again on her own, and Dad … well he’s just crazy and is even crazier when he’s normal sick let alone whatever this thing manifest itself to be. The truth is it could be devastating for them, more so than for me … then again if they are devastated then so am I. People don’t seem to understand that by being out and about you are simply taking a risk that you or I can’t afford for them to take. We are in my opinion about 2 weeks from being Italy. To having a country wide mandated, stay the fuck at home order issued. 

It’s funny how so many people are continuing to make light of this. Granted I was one of those people early on as I watched other County’s dealing with it. The longer this has gone the faster it spread the less funny it became. However some still seem to not get it. My particular town recently got the "tests" so I'm assuming our cases will start to go up. For now everyone around me feels like as long as that number remains low the threat is not a problem for us. Let me repeat we JUST GOT THE TEST. The threat is there we just don't know about it yet. 

They say stay at home everyone rushes to Walmart, or for some reason the big box stores (Costco, Sams etc.). A guy near my town had it and the hospital sent him home to recover and HE STOPED BY THE GROCERY ON THE WAY HOME! Like what?! The number of people who say “it’s just like the flu calm down!” I’ve had the flu it wasn’t fun. I’d imagine this one isn’t either and oh by the way with the Flu there's medicine I can take to make it better, not so much with Rona. The number of people getting online to say “I had it and it wasn’t that bad” should also be punched in the face. It affects everyone differently. It’s causing massive panic attacks daily don’t tell people how to feel about it. I know you think you are helping but you are just making it harder for that one that gets it cause now people think it’s not so bad that person should just get over it.

The one thing about this that I’ve loved watching is that we appear to be coming together as a Country. We appear to be finally using social media to spread good not just evil. We are reaching out to neighbors when before we’d have driven right past if they were laying on the grass in their front yards. There are people offering to get groceries for those too scared to go out, there's companies telling people that kids eat free at restaurants (ok part of that is getting people to come in the door but still), tech companies making it easier for kids to do school from home, health care workers being at the front of this and putting them selves as risk every day but especially in times like this, the people in Italy singing to one another from their various balcony's, churches being forced to share their messages online meaning more might hear what they have to say or better yet people might listen to sermons that they would never hear before. All of it adds up to the fact that even in the stupidest of times we can be good to one another. There is good out there and it's getting increasingly hard to find but if you look for it … if you really look for it, it makes the rest easier. Mr. Rogers was right. Look for the helpers, look for those who have the good sense to listen and take care of themselves and others. 

Now don’t get me wrong there are those, like my partner in crime Golden who can’t stay home. She works at a place that if she doesn’t go to work a domino effect happens … 1. She could lose her insurance. 2 Her residents who depend on her could have major problems. 3. The loss of her insurance would mean she couldn’t get her medication. 4. Golden is a sick puppy and needs that medication cause someone has to take care of Mighty. 5. Mighty might eat Golden's face after a while. Ok that last one likely won't happen but I wanted to round out my list. It is kind of humerous that a quarantine life is like built for Golden. She lives for days where she can create a nest on her couch, watch TV, play games, eat munchies, and watch movies. It’s what she has been training for but she can’t participate. That’s like the worst joke in the world.  

However if everyone else could just chill and relax then Golden being out in the world with no immune system wouldn’t be so scary.

One day this will pass, we'll all laugh and joke about it and move on to the next big thing, and one day we will look back and all of it will be analyzed and discussed. This is a great time to see that we are a Country that can come together for the greater good, even if it's only for a short time.

So be good to one another, reach out to one another, and for the love of Golden stay the fuck at home!


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