Saturday, July 4, 2020

Dragon Con Love Note

You guys know that on Holiday’s I tend to Blog more. Not really sure why if it’s the unscheduled time that I have on my hands, if it’s the ability to think about something other than work, or if it’s just cause I’m reminded that the blog while neglected still exists and a holiday is a good time to post cause people are on their devices. It might also be that subconsciously knowing that if I blog on holidays that will give me some decent content on this thing scattered throughout the year if nothing else. 

However today is more than just a holiday post, I know you guys know it’s Independence Day which is way more than just a movie starring Will Smith and some Aliens. I know fireworks and BBQs are in the air literally and so I’m not going to bore you with that since everyone else will be. I will say if you go out, if you are in a group, please be careful, wear a mask even if others are not. Be vigilant. But nope today’s not about that. Today is a post to Dragon Con specifically, I mean the rest of you feel free to read on. 
Dragon Con incase you don’t know is a Geeky little convention, founded in 1987, that features science fiction, fantasy, gaming, comics, TV/Movies, literature, Cosplay, art, music, and for some weird reason wrestling that starts the Thursday (Wed for some) before Labor Day every year in Atlanta, Georgia. Loyal readersof this blog know that Golden and I have been attending Dragon Con with various crew members in tow since 2014. Dragon Con brings in over 80 thousand people to an already packed Atlanta on a holiday weekend and takes over 5 “host” hotels as well as other “overflow” hotels throughout downtown Atlanta. It’s owned and operated by a private for profit corporation and wouldn’t be able to do any of it without a huge staff of volunteers who deserve way more credit than they get. Also … it’s in trouble. Damn Covid-19 and damn people not doing what they should have done back in March/April/May and now July/August/September are in jeopardy. 

This year’s guest list so far features voice actors from Steven Universe, actors from Resident Evil and Star Trek Enterprise, as well as a host of comic book artist, writers, animators, and vendors from all over the US and sometimes across the pond as well. With I’m sure more to come as we get closer to the convention. Much like the ap the guest list isn’t fully announced until about a week or two out from the convention. I’ve always been fascinated by the people that Dragon Con can bring to the table since most of the actors/actresses/writers etc., are back at work on their various projects by that time of the year. However the convention being in ATL which is a stones throw from one of the busiest airports in the country might help with that. 

If you follow Dragon Con on Facebook or any of their other social media, Twitter, Instagram etc., they have recently announced the ability to roll over your 2020 membership (that’s right it’s not a ticket it’s a membership) to 2021 if you are concerned about your health and safety. There has been an increase of people saying they are taking Dragon Con up on that. Several of the hotels are also offering this as an option, tho I’m not sure I trust that cause the Dragon Con Hunger Games to get a hotel are fascinating and a huge money maker for these establishments. Then again everything is different this year, so why not this too. I want Dragon Con to know that many are also holding out hope that this years convention will move forward as anticipated. Not to mention that all of this fun is surrounded by a lot of good, there's a Dragon Con Blood Drive and they choose a charity that each panel takes up money for and at the end of the convention give money to that charity. My fear is that the people not going are louder than those that are and Dragon Con might see that and think no one is willing to show up. those of being quiet and waiting for the decision by the powers that be before making decisions are silently saying we aren't coming. That's not the case at least for me and my crew. 

I really want Dragon Con to happen this year. I NEED it to happen this year. I travel with an already comprised partner in crime Golden who has an auto immune disorder so I better than anyone else on the planet know in my brain the struggle a convention like this, right now, has to be for the powers that be at Dragon Con to make. I know what’s at stake likely more than most. That said we are both still willing to jump into the fire. If they hold the convention we’ll wear masks take the extra precautions and show up with our geek flag waving high. 

The truth is if they decide to go forward they make a lot of people angry should everyone get sick on the back end of this thing. As if we weren’t all going to get the Dragon Con Crud anyway. If they decide to bail on it they make a lot of people mad who will see it as another thing the “establishment” is taking from them during this insane year. They can’t postpone it and say try again in January. That’s now how it will work. It’s either do it this year or wait until next year. They are in a literal lose lose situation. I pray for them daily as I know the decision, they are going to have to make, will not be an easy one. 

However with all that said I repeat that I still really really really really want to go to Dragon Con this year. I’m also not saying all of this cause for the first time Golden and I are gonna be in a host hotel, and not any host hotel the mega hotel that houses 90% of the fun … the Marriott. I’m a little devastated that trumpets and angels didn’t ascend when I typed that.  It’s the holy grail of Dragon Con staying. It’s the ability to Con all night and get in bed sleep and get back out there without waiting on a buss or getting an uber. It’s the ability to attend more panels and possibly find the all elusive members only room with snacks and fun stuff in it …. We will find you one day and we will partake in your goodness. It’s the ability to be all in on the convention while also providing Golden with the ability to relax and recover when she needs to. We’ve often stayed at Overflow hotels in the past and they were awesome and the shuttles were great (when they run) but guys A HOST HOTEL with Dragon Con TV and just being in the thick of the 24-7 party come on! That’s the dream! I’m also kind of excited about the idea of a pared down con, with fewer members, fewer drunks, awesome Cosplay and to be surrounded by people who really really want to be there. 

The truth is that the convention is second to me. I cherish those 4-5 days hanging out with Golden. There’s no obligations like family dinners, no gotta rush home to let the dog out and pee, no work responsibilities (ok an occasional phone call or text but for the most part no work responsibilities) it’s 4-5 days of her, me, food, laughter, and walking … lots and lots of walking.  We always show up ready to roll and by about day 3 start dwindling down. By the time I’m back in my car heading home I’m exhausted but also elated to have spent 4-5 days with the person whom I love most in this world. That’s what it is all about for me. Sure that time we got to meet and talk with Nathan Fillion was really cool, watching Alton Brown walk by cause for some reason he chose Dragon Con to announce that Good Eats was coming by was fun, and that time we got to party with the cast of Wynona Earp and all their fans was pretty bad ass, oh and giving freaking Big Bird a hug as he walked to his car as grand marshall of the parade was something I’ll always cherish (RIP Caroll Spinney). 

So I hope the convention holds steady but I’m also preparing for it to not. I hope the organizers do what they know is right for the members, the various hotel staff members, the City and for all those that still want this event to happen. I also hope that should it not the disappointed be just that disappointed, but shift focus to 2021. I know this decision won’t be an easy one to make, matters of the wallet rarely are but I know that no matter what decision is made I’ll be back in 2021 lord willing. 


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