Sunday, December 14, 2014

Deathbed Confessions.....

So the other day Golden posted her “Top 10 Geekfessions” and it got me thinking what would my confessions be …. So I’ve been mentally creating my list for if I were on my deathbed or something far less dramatic than that. Granted I went Christmas shopping today and am pretty sure I almost died or killed someone about 12 times and thus it might not be all that dramatic. I don’t fear the mailbox madman, well other than the fact that he might take down my best friend then I’ll have to spend the rest of my life avenging her death and hunting him down and frankly I don’t have time for that. I’d do it, I’d make the time cause well that’s what a friend does, at least a good one anyway.

So having never done a formal confession before, you know in the booth with a priest forgive me if I miss some steps or whatever  … in no particular order … let’s just jump right in …

§   I’ve never watched Star Wars, the only thing I know about is what Golden has told me and what I’ve seen via Robot Chicken. Don’t blame Golden she’s tried.
§   I’m envious of people who take chances on themselves. Those who move real far away for a job, those who quit a job to follow a passion. Those who take the risk that I’ve never had the guts to take.
§   Every time Kill Bill comes on a TV I fall asleep. EVERY.DAMN.TIME
§   I wanna travel, I like to travel, but more so I like going to new places, the actual getting there then exploring.
§   I HATED Gone Girl, it’s been a while since I hated a book more than I hated Gone Girl. That book by the way was It by Stephen King. Gone Girl really made me want to take my English Degree and burn it cause if that’s what we are calling Liberal Art now I don’t want any part of it.
§   I hate shopping, as anyone who follows my twitter account found today. I hate driving from store A to B and getting in and out of the car only to go into a store and find nothing.
§   I’m addicted to chips. Not chips in general but crunch that makes you have to turn up your TV cause you can’t hear it.
§   Neil Patrick Harris was my first crush, in life. Now I still love him but he’s kind of annoying and I want to punch him in the throat then give him a glass of tea. Don’t get me wrong the man is still crazy talented I just feel like he gets a pass for being who he is. His book was “ok” it wasn’t fantastic. If you’ve read any interview he’s ever done … you’ve read his book. I have no doubt the man was great in Hedwig but I’m not sure he deserved the Tony. I still say Jefferson Mays was robbed.
§   I do however admit that I adore Neil Patrick Harris’ work ethic. I wish I had half the drive he does. The man literally never stops.
§   I used to watch a lot of Food Network, but I can barely cook an egg. Now I watch a lot of DIY and HGTV and can barely swing a hammer. Tho if you ask me to bring you a wrench 6 times out of 10 you’ll get a wrench.
§   I’ve never watched Titanic. I have also never watched or read Gone With the Wind. I don’t see that changing. Sorry to my fellow English majors.
§   I’m horrible about seeing a trailer for a movie and going ohhh I wanna see that … then promptly forget all about it.
§   I’ve very excited about all the tweets from scared little tweens who turn into American Horror Story Freakshow just for NPH and start crying about how horrible the show is. Not believing that "Barney" is being treated the way he was". I also kind of hope NPH dies. I hope it gives the tweens nightmares
§   I loved the first two seasons of American Horror Story they lost me last year but I’m back this year.
§   I’m also really bad about buying or renting a movie and then not watching it.
§   If I’m a fan I’m behind you 1000000% and will support you until the day I die.
§   I love to read … however I’m bad about rereading books over and over cause I know I’m going to enjoy them.

So that’s my list. It’s not ground breaking it’s not going to make anyone sit up and take notice but it’s stuff I felt I should share. It's my blog i'll do whatever the hell I want to .... please don't leave. :D

-marcy (@beaslma)

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