Wednesday, December 31, 2014


2,434+ times people have clicked on this blog to read something we wrote and for that we ask you what in the world is wrong with you? I mean we love you but surely you have something better to do like slam your hand in a car door, punch yourself in the face … fling yourself down a flight of stairs to see if your magical abilities come out? (PS if anyone tries that stairs for magical abilities thing A. that was your decision not ours, B. our lawyers instruct us to tell you that’s gonna hurt and C. if it works totally let us know cause we want magical abilities too!)

No … well ok then … welcome!  Anyway we hope that we have made you laugh, made you think, made you smile and made you say OH MY GAWD IS THAT JEM SELLING A HONDA?! Cause she did … did you guys see Jem selling a Honda?! They did a whole 80’s themed “Happy Honda Days” campaign featuring the toys of my youth… Jem, GI Joe, Gumby, Skeletor, Strawberry Shortcake, Stretch Armstrong … it was beautiful … it was marketing but still it made me want to drive my car into the side of a bridge so that I could then go out and buy a Honda. I didn’t but I totally thought about it.

Again, we had a goal for this blog …. Well we had several goals for this blog but the main goal was to give the creative side of our brain some exercise, offer a creative break to people in a similar situation as ours, and to meet new people who share similar interest to us.  We will continue to work towards these goals in 2015 and work to be more “on schedule” with our posts as it’s kind of hit and miss when we post.

Since starting this blog in August we have now posted 82 times, which actually sounds kind of sad but we’ve been busy. We promise to do better in 2015, you know what suck it we did the best we could and enjoyed it and tell the truth you enjoyed it too. We have set several “goals” for ourselves with the blog since starting it. We didn’t want to be the kind of people who set one up and then let it die. We wanted to continue to push forward.
From the “a post everyday for a week” at the beginning to the recent “Thankfulness Challenge” we have so far made every internal goal set for ourselves. It hasn’t always been easy. We want our post to be more than just hey look I saw a butterfly today and it was cool, now if that was a unicorn that would be epic! Which is why there is a bit of a delay sometimes in our posts, that and cause frankly sometimes we get all caught up in our daily lives and kind of forget it exists. No wait don’t go!!!!!!!

Maybe in 2015 we’ll have more fun like we did back at Dragon Con, or share more confessions, and share more struggles of a Medical Marvel, alert you to really cool things like movies and TV and nerdtastic awesomeness. So go out tonight, have a fantastic time, live it up and enjoy yourselves, but BE CAREFUL cause you don’t wanna miss the adventures we have planned for 2015. Tell us how you celebrated cause let's face it we were asleep by midnight, well I was Golden is out doing her thing.

Happy New Year from #SayWhatMG

Marcy (@beaslma) and Golden (@theonlygolden)

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