Friday, November 28, 2014

It’s Time for Holiday Movies/Specials

While Golden’s favorite holiday is Drunksgiving mine is definitely the day that networks begin their holiday programing. Yeah I know … some networks have been showing holiday specials since June but those networks suck. I refuse to acknowledge Frosty or Santa in June. It’s just … well wrong and I’m not even talking about Christmas in July.

However now that the Turkey is eaten, the dressing is gone (sorry Golden no leftovers again this year) and my MP3 player is loaded with Christmas music so let’s get this holiday train running. I finished my holiday TV calendar earlier today and can’t wait to share it with you guys. At the latest the calendar will be posted on Dec. 1st at the earliest it will be Sunday night.

I love this time of year, people tend to slow down, they talk more, they relax and they just seem to have a happier demeanor unless you are that asshat in the front of the line asking the cashier to scan each item and tell you the MFing price prior to you paying for it just to see if it might be on sale. As if you couldn’t see those prices prior to coming to the checkout. There’s not going to be this magical price just for you because you asked. It’s not like the stores are out there going we are going to only give this price if they ask and then when you do they say ….ahhh you caught us. No that’s not happening. Pay it…don’t pay it….. just get through the damn line. Seriously these people suck, they know who I’m talking to. Especially that bitch a the Wallgreens in southern Alabama today wearing the purple shirt over some black jeans. I nearly caught a case when you had to send your kid to the car to GET YOUR PURSE. I felt confident that you were kidding but nope your kid ran out of the store to get your purse, what the hell did you think was going to happen, was Wallgreens going to suddenly begin to give things away for free …. Um… no .. that wasn’t going to happen. You bitch. You weren’t cure and you weren’t be funny you were just being a bitch. There I said it. Just like that you ruined my Christmas mood before it really grew legs and ran down the street.

I’m going to try to fall back into my Christmas mood with a viewing of Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer on the CW then Frosty the Snowman and Yes Virginia on CBS tonight, while observing the awesomeness that is Drunksgiving after today’s shopping trip I’ve earned it.


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