Friday, November 7, 2014

Thankfulness Challenge - Day 7

It has been a serious butt slam of a week. I don't think I ever in my life have used the term "butt slam" but somehow, it just feels right. So yeah, I'm going to say it again... Butt. Slam. I feel like I need time off from work but it hasn't been that long since I was last off work for vacation. Ah Dragon Con you are so far away yet not nearly close enough. I have this stupid weird condition where I don't want to go to work, but when I don't go I feel incredibly guilty.

It sounds like I don't enjoy my job and that's simply not true! I really do like my job. I just also really enjoy dicking around all day too and I haven't figured out how to accomplish both of those things in the same day.  I know that the truth is I have plenty of vacation days that I could take, but then that stupid voice of responsibility keeps yammering away in my head about how I need to save those days or I have things that have to be accomplished today that can only be accomplished by me. She is a persistent little bitch. It’s stupid being a responsible adult! Damn work ethic.  

So what's a girl to do? If you know how to solve this riddle of the relaxed responsibility free party gal that still maintains a healthy bank account, please do let me know (@theonlygolden). And I don't want to hear "Be born rich"! I've already had it out with my parents over this and they were less than helpful, it’s one of those things you either are or you aren’t. It’s too late to turn that clock back now.

The only way I have come up with to work and vacation while maintaining the lifestyle I’m accustomed to is to find opportunities when you are home to truly relax. Not to brag or anything, but I don't have any children. So when I'm home, I'm 100% invested in me!

One of the things I'm thankful for, especially after a butt slam week (I said butt slam again!) is that I am able to come home and find a way to check out of reality, suspend my notions of responsibility. I do this through books, movies, and even video games (although I haven't gamed as much as I used to). I also enjoy a good board game but those are often hindered by the fact that another person needs to be involved and at 3am that’s not always a possibility.

I am also thankful to be able to have a job that I enjoy but that allows me to come home and escape into another world. I’m not carrying my work home with me, I’m not sitting on my phone until 4am answering e-mails and texts about work problems (ok sometimes I do have to do that) I just get to come home, curl up on the couch and my biggest worry is did Lulu kill the cat. So my next few "thankful" posts will be dedicated to the things that help me step out of the working Golden skin and melt into the relaxed Golden that we all love......also …… Butt Slam...

-golden (@theonlygolden)

ps- This is our 50th post so thanks for joining us on this ride...please don't get off at the next exit and invite your friend to join you... I'm sure they like road trips too.

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