Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thankfulness Challenge - Day 6

Today I’m thankful for Sweet Tea. There is something about sitting down at a table and taking that first sip of sweet tea feeling it run down your throat and not being able to wait until the next sip.

I know that there are sad people in this world who don’t have access to sweet tea, if you go past the Mason Dixon  Line they even look at you crazy if you ask for it in a restaurant. I personally think that’s why so many people up north are angry or sad.
Don't get me wrong there are some things about Tea that I hate. Like Lemons. My mom loves them I can't stand them. The smell makes me think of cleaning products, the sourness of the actual fruit makes me cringe, and then as someone who is bad about getting random papercuts that juice gets in there and hurts like you don't even want to know. I have slammed my hand in a door before and it not hurt as much. No joke.
Also all these flavored teas, blackberry tea, watermelon tea etc., seems to be unnecessary. Tea needs a single ingredient sugar ... well and water, oh yeah tea leaves, ok fine Tea needs 3 ingredients, no more no less.  

People need sweet tea in their lives it keeps the balance and keeps the murders down. It soothes my soul, calms me down, makes my heart happy. It’s that good people ….. if you haven’t had it you must make that happen ASAP and if you have had it but have not had it lately … then what’s wrong with you. If you have access to it then you must partake in it often if only because of those sad people that don’t have that access.

What you thought all of these were going to be deep and wonderful ? Yeah no this is not the blog post you are looking for.


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