Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thankfulness Challenge - Day 19

Holy fuckballs it's cold!

I live in the US in the state of Alabama. We are by no means a tropical climate, but we are a southern state. The  weather here is usually suffering hot summers, an occasional hurricane and tornadoes that Dorothy would envy. But right now it is really stupid fucking cold outside. Last night the temperature was 25 and tonight it’s 43 but according to the weather channel it feels like 39. It's too cold, too early in the season.

So not feeling my fingers has totally got me fantasizing of the glory of Warmth. And I can tell you I am very thankful for warmth. That warm feeling you get when you slide on those overstuffed fuzzy house shoes after a hard day running around. The warmth of hot and sour soup as it goes down your throat and warms your belly from the inside. That awesome feeling of warmth when you crawl into what I call the blanket burrito. Where just the tip of your nose is exposed and it's coldness is a welcome contrast to the cozy burrito-y warmness of such a heavenly blanket happy place. Mmmm yeah. That's perfection.

The really stupid thing is that in just 4 days it's supposed to be 76 here.

So I'm sure at that time I’ll start fantasizing about how thankful I am for the Cool, but until then I'm going to grab my dog LuLu and strap her to me like a personal heat generator. She really isn't thankful me doing that, but fuck it. I'm a block of ice and she needs to contribute to my happiness, or get a job and pay the electricity bill!

Until next time....Stay Warm!

-golden (@theonlygolden)

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