Monday, November 11, 2019

Thankfulness Challenge – Veteran’s Day

Today is the day that everyone’s time lines change to show their various military family members with a post on how proud of them they are, how they miss their family members, and how much they love them. People change their profile picture to their dad in their military fatigues or their brother in his dress blues, or a mommy soldier being welcomed home by their children. They post these long stories about their military family member and each one is really touching.

As you scroll up and down your various timelines pause and read what that soldier did and think about how his/her life, actions, and sacrifice has altered your life and give a like, a comment, or even just silently pray for him/her and their families. I can't imagine how hard it has to be to be a spouse, parent, kid, friend, loved one of a soldier gone for months or years at a time, much less that Soldier who doesn’t make it home or comes home but is forever changed by what they experienced, saw, did while on duty. I know today is the day we usually set aside to do all these things and that's fantasitc but maybe do it in Feb., or April, and in October too. These people deserve this love, respect, and support all year long!

Today, and everyday, I am thankful for those who put themselves in harms way everyday for me, I appreciate the sacrifice and salute you.

Thank you,

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